Hi There, I’m Nichole (I love the H in my name, and it bugs me when it gets left out sometimes! other times I can forgive the oversight!)
I am about 5 foot 1/2 inches tall, and I have naturally curly hair (which you’ll hardly ever see, as i try to straighten it as much as possible)
I am 35 years old and I am married for almost 12 years to david (our anniverary is June 17).I have a Orange Tabby Cat, and his name is Sam, who I affectionately call the “Evil in a Fur Coat” He is in fact very sweet when he WANTS to be. He even gives hugs! I also have the most adorable princess ever named Marley- Check out the Fur Babe page for more info on those two!
I am from literally the middle of nowhere virginia- actually where I am from goes in and out with the va/wva state lines. The closest actual town (s) are at least 40 min from where we lived. I still visit there because my grandparents live there. Believe me you have never heard of the place…;)
I have lived in North Carolina since 1988 when I was 4 years old.
I love the color pink. I collect all kindsa crap(especially purses and childrens books, among many other things) I really want to have a kid, and I hope to have a little girl that I will name Ava Belle one day 🙂 I love wine and headbands with big flowers. I am all about things that are unique and I love thrift shops and yardsales!
The reason that I have the nicname pollypocket is because everyone says that I always lived in my little world, all by myself until i met my husband lol. So if you see the name xxpollypocket or some variation thereof online, you have probably found me!
I love to take pictures, and I hope to share many of them here.(I have a Pro FlickR account) I just gifted myself a canon rebel t5 for Christmas 2015 and I am looking forward to exploring it and sharing the results here and on instagram! I am trying to do the FMS photo a day challenge for the year of 2016
My education background includes a associate degree in general studies, a fair background at appalachian state university in english and elementary education and an associates degree in medical office administration.
David and I really like my staying at home and being a domestic goddess and taking care of those sorts of things and supports my blogging as my hobby as well!