I am adding this note on all of my policy pages of you are here for the legAlities they are below but I just want to break it down in simple English ..I am just an old school blogger who has been blogging since before the word existed. My blog is a hobby first and foremost and not a business …I do this for fun and not to get rich
Lately there have been so many changes with blogging whether they are from Google or different laws that I literally spend more time on the back side of things trying to comply and I admit it is frustrating especially when I don’t do a lot of things typical bloggers do
I am a blogger who doesn’t
Use Google analytics
Allow comments because of harassment and trolling in the past
Run giveaways
Participate in affiliate marketing for the most part
Run a newsletter
sell anything
I am just here to ramble and try to have fun
I use a few plugins that help track traffic such as where you are from ip address location who is data.
Basically this just shows me stats that I can give to my advertisers and sponsors about page views and general info be sure to read my cookie policy and my privacy policy and my affiliate policy as well
These plugins include jetpack and wordfence and jetpack also helps monitor my sites uptime among other feature Wordfence helps me also with things like blocking attacks
I am not going to share any of your private data with anyone and quite frankly wouldn’t even know how to do so .If you have concerns though about any of these things please send an email to nichole@autumn-rain.net and we will go from there
Autumn-Rain is my personal domain, and all content contained on this domain has been written by me, unless other wise noted.
You should know that I sometimes accept payment in exchange for sponsored posts. (Older sponsored posts are inprogress to being moved to a commercial category so that they are easy to “spot” as opposed to my regular non sponsored posts)(Feb 2012)
I also receive various products and online services to review, but I am not compensated for these reviews, except with the products and services themselves. Also, unless I specifically say so, I do not endorse any products or services that I link to.
Although I do receive payment in exchange for sponsored posts I do my best to be honest and unbiased with my opinions, and I carefully screen third party links before placing them on Autumn-Rain
This disclosure policy has been in effect since May 03 2009.
This policy is valid from 23 May 2018
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Nichole@Autumn-Rain.net.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org