Everyone knows that I refer to my mom as one of those crazy coupon lady types, even though it’s only half true..Sort of! LOL I mean she can go into a store and get like $300 worth of stuff for like $50 or something! She isn’t a shelf clearer really by any means..unless there is only like 1 or 2 of a particular item that she needs.
I haven’t been able to quite do as well with it as she has, because mostly I don’t have that kind of patience for it, and well she works out all the deals and takes me to the stores and all that so, I really don’t have to!
I do however use coupon codes online every now and then when I happen to want to buy something random online! I have used them from various things such as getting my website as cheap as I possibly can, different things for david and sam, and even discounts on home products every now and then!
Some of the sites out there are pretty sketchy and hard to follow but if you can find a frequently updated site that is well organized you will be able to navigate through and find the top discounts that you are searching for!
I hope I can get more involved and start saving more money on my own, especially with what is going on in my word lately!