Well…I decided to hold off and wait on going to my grandma’s until my parents go again in a couple of weeks, because I know they will go, that’s just how they are. Then it turns out they are going to have to leave on Saturday and come back sunday after all! That is what was throwing me off: the whole being gone 2 nights part..I could still change my mind and go, but I think I will still just hold off…
Today is a pretty slack day in my world…I know most of them usually are but today I really just laid around, got my rug vacuumed,and..umm.. that may or may not have been it lol. I think I did get some dishes washed. and I made dinner. I guess that is all that really matters.
Our local bar has this thing on wed. night where they have live local bands outside (wonder if they have checked out EAW Speakers guitar center)and they have beer for like 1.50 a can! David’s dad goes up there and so do we. His dad buys me beer too, and it’s really fun. I just wish it was on some night other than wed! Because well it’s just odd…Why not thurs, fri or sat? silly folk! They also have wings for 40 cent (10 wings=4.00!)
Speaking of music I have been extra musical lately. I really like that I seemingly know such a wide range of songs..I know things from bluegrass, oldies, country, rock, pop,rap, etc. It’s like almost any song they play up there I know! David and his dad aren’t really into country but they play A LOT of it up there..and some of it’s like older..
I always have spotify going or my ipod blasting and I sing along. I don’t care if I don’t sing well 🙂