I am not trying to “date” myself but it made 10 years ago this week since I started thinking about leaving community college and going on to the “big leagues” ! I was pretty inspired at that point in my life- sick of living at home, had a new “boyfriend” and it seemed like anything was possible! Luckily for me starting in January 2005 I started Appalachian State University (I know, you all knew that by now lol) and well the rest is history!
One thing I found absolutely enchanting about ASU- I mean sure there were lots of things.. but one of the things that really stood out to me was the fact that you RENTED your textbooks! No more buying of books that costed several hundreds of dollars that you never used, you just walked into the bookstore with your schedule and they handed you all of your textbooks because a rental fee of $35 was included in your tuition. It didn’t mater if it was 1 book or 10- you were covered! I was like WOW this is awesome … why can’t all schools come up with something like this? Or at least a company out there come up with something similar?
When I was transitioning my studies from Elementary Education in the Summer of 06 because I was coming back home because my mom had got hurt on the job and she was the one paying my rent at the time, I found a site for RENTING books and I was BEYOND excited. From then on out I rented every book that was possible for me to rent.
I wish I had known about Campus Book Rentals! I can’t remember for the life of me who I was renting books from and it was so early on and such a new idea it wasn’t like it is today! I guess you could say things were not as flexible and easy going then as they are now!
Campus book rentals has one of the most awesome systems that I have found for renting books ,especially compared to the way things used to be! In case you were wondering some perks of renting your books include:
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
I know that when I was renting books if you wanted to highlight in them that was pretty much a NO NO and you pretty much had to rent them for a whole semester no matter what happened. With Campus book rentals you can even return the first 21 days and get a refund , which is handy if you end up not needing a certain books or if you drop a class or something like that! Both of these situations have happened to me before so it is great to have those sorts of options!
Another awesome thing about Campus Book Rentals ? like they weren’t already awesome enough is that they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented! Operation smile is an awesome charity that provides surgery to children born with cleft lip and cleft palates! Children who are born with these conditions have increased odds of dying before their first birthday and even difficulty eating, speaking, hearing or breathing properly. In a lot of areas these children are even rejected and their parents can’t afford these types of surgeries! So by simply renting your books you are helping out these kids as well! How awesome is that?
Campus Book Rentals also has a program called Rentback that you will want to check into as well because it is totally awesome! They help you rent your books to those who need them! This helps you make money and have something to do with those textbooks that you might already have laying around that you bought prior to renting! You can check out this video for more info!
I know that I probably won’t ever get back to going to school, but I know that if I do I will def be taking advantage of renting my books and such from Campus Book Rentals, and I think that everyone else should do the same! I have always been a gal about saving money where I can and this is a simple way to do so!