As a former teacher want-to-be and now a blogger, I have always had an obsession with paper products! I can remember when I was little and my mom was a manager for Great Clips and she had her own business cards. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! I knew that I myself wanted some of my own one day! I have had 3 sets of business cards for Autumn-Rain, and my latest batch is by far my favorite but some things have changed since I had them made, so I am def. in the market for some new ones! Also BE Society we have our cards designed but I haven’t ordered them just yet.
Recently I found a site called and they have all types of awesome goodies to choose from including business cards, stickers and so much more. The site is well laid out, and I decided to play around and check out some of the goodies and give a few highlights! You can even browse by business or by product.
Let’s start with my favorite, the aforementioned business cards! They have where you can upload your own file, start from scratch and several templates for you to choose from. There are 2 sizes to choose from and you can also choose from extra things like rounded corners and a personal favorite of mine you can make them double sided. I know that sounds silly but I do personally know of one site that only offers 1- sided cards. You all know how wordy I get… it carries over to the cards, and I can’t stick to one side!
One thing that I have also considered doing is to order some stickers for my Be-Society gals, because we have some really awesome logos for that site, and I know my gals would probably really enjoy that. Maybe for Christmas? I am considering it! They have several styles of stickers to choose from including clear, vinyl and window clings! You can also choose from various shapes and sizes. I can totally picture the “brown be button” as a cute round sticker! You can even make them removable and double sided!
The last item I decided to highlight is the canvas backdrops that they offer! I know that when I went to Bloggy Bootcamp we had our pictures taken with feathers and such and there was a backdrop. Anyways, I have totally related this into my world because of the fact that I hope that one day I can have my own real life blog conference and I think it would be totally neat to have our own backdrop for pictures! It is probably a ways off in the future, but still it is neat to thing about! They have several options for you to choose from and of course different sizes and the like. They even have a ton of templates to choose from that you can customize if you don’t want to have to come up with one of your own! This is def. something I must keep in mind for the future!
I really enjoyed browsing the site, and I hope to be able to use them in the future!