Well.. It has been a relatively warm winter this year.. or at least a dry one as far as snow and ice here in my part of the world! I have to say I wouldn’t mind a few flurries or a few inches because I have always found snow to be REALLY peaceful! Of course when I think of COLD and GRAY and SNOW I start thinking of those “good old college days” at appalachian state 🙂
One thing I always thought was the neatest was the way that all REQUIRED books that we had to have were included in our tuition as a rental fee. I think for about $30 you got practically every book that you needed and that was AWESOME 🙂 I was like why can’t every school do it this way? Especially when you KNOW how you end up NOT using some of those books in the long run anyways.. and you have paid like a few hundred bucks for them! I always did try to get the USED books but generally the financial aide folks wiped those out because they got to go first, and the more they saved the more they could get towards other things!
About the time I started back at Community College- Still in Boone, taking some classes towards Medical Office Admin, I discovered RENTING text books from a service similar to Campus Book Rentals, and I thought it was the MOST amazing thing ever!
Campus Book Rentals helps you with all the drama associated with just buying your textbooks straight out.. Here are some perks:
Some perks are:
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
-we donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
Operation Smile is an Awesome organization who help children who are born with cleft lips and cleft palates! Children who are born with these conditions are not only generally shunned and rejected , depending on WHERE they are but there are several other medical things that can be caused because of having these such as difficulty eating, breathing, hearing and speech problems. Operation smile steps in and helps these children and I always LOVE these kind of organizations, and I LOVE that Campus book rentals helps them with every textbook that is rented! I mean if you are going to go to college, you are going to need books. Then in turn- why would you not want to save all the money you possibly could.. and then.. you can help out this kids? It is a win win situation!
Here are some AWESOME video that you can watch to find out more about renting text books: