Hey Everyone
Well.. the weekend was fast and furious for sure! I know that David actually got off early on Friday.. I mean sometimes they might make it home early on Friday at like 5:15 but he was home by 4:45 so it was super rare!
Saturday we ended up having his mom come over and I was like UGH …but we ended up going to eat so it kind of ate up some of the time so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.. though I have been trying to go eat up in town for a month it seems (more like 6 weeks lol) but they were closed for remodel and it seems like something always comes up when I am going to go- and I can only go on Saturday.. but I am trying to go this coming weekend- fingers crossed right?
Yesterday we went over to my moms for Tacos… and to get my hair colored. Jackie and Dennis had a ton of hair color from a pallet so I ended up having my mom and dad go through it and bring me some back since I didn’t get to go.. .Now I specifically asked for VIVID colors, REDS and ODD colors.. and legit they brought me maybe 5 BRIGHT ones and most of the others are BLONDE and I’m like NOOOO lol.. anyways I went a color called Cherry crush and it is pretty wild.
I woke up around 3 a/m with a horrid headache and I couldn’t manage to get some Advil until like 4.. I didn’t want to wake David up and I was pretty weak..I mean this was not just a little mild twinge..I finally slept around 445 until he got up at 5:20 or so and it was down to a low dull normal little headache by then thankfully…
I’m feeling pretty o.k now so that is a good thing. I have been trying to figure out what we are doing for dinner this week and that sort of thing.. I’ve pretty much worked everything out until next week so far.. so that is a good thing – just trying to go with what I have as much as possible.. need to clean up the freezer and such a little bit! I think we are gonna go back to my moms on Wed (New Years) because my mom is going to make a big brunch
Today I am thinking about reading some- of course right? I didn’t get to read last week very much because my eyes were having a MEH week.. (I admit to staying up and such that was not the best thing there for me for several days last week!) Other than that I’m sure I will find something to get into- I just wanted to take a minute to write while I had a few!
Later taters!