I received an amelia bedelia prize pack just like the one I am giving away in exchange for writing this post! all thoughts opinions ideas ,etc are all honest and my own. Your mileage and experiences may vary!
If you are one of my loyal followers, you all know I hardly EVER do a giveaway! If you are new here though- well now you know as well! However, when the opportunity for this one came along, it appealed to me on a variety of levels!
My background – other than blogger and social media maven like my blogging cards say, is Elementary Education with a concentration in English Education- and I mean English in the reading/grammar,etc type of sense! Anyways, when I got contacted to do a giveaway of Amelia Bedelia goodies I had to say Yes! Not only do I have the background in Elementary Education and English but I have a mad love for books- and that includes children’s books too, and I also collect them!
I was happy to recieve a box of chock full of goodies that appealed to me on all of these levels- check out these pics of all the awesome goodness!
We have books, a poster (with reproduce-able worksheets on the back) Stickers, A bonnet making activity and even meal cards for Ovation Brands! Those are the folks that bring you Ryans, Old Country Buffet, Etc. Now where I live there aren’t any really close by, but I do know where a few are that are on the route to my grandmas, and even when I am on the way back from those mountain day trips that I like to do(about 45 minutes away) I didn’t realize at first that these were included, like I say it totally just appealed to the book/elementary education girl inside of me, so these were such a fun bonus!
Speaking of Ovation brands, they are having tons of fun activities at their locations and a few of them happen to be.. wait for it… AMELIA BEDELIA RELATED!! I am providing you with the official press release for more information, and then you can feel free to enter a giveaway to get a box of goodies that is JUST LIKE the one I received!
— There’s a lot to look forward to this Spring at Ovation Brands’ portfolio of restaurants… with all-new Family Night festivities taking place every Thursday night between March 17th through May 12th. Featuring the ever-popular Amelia Bedelia from children’s literature, kids of all ages are invited to participate in educational yet lighthearted group activities that celebrate words, science, cooking, the seasons, and even this year’s upcoming presidential election.
“There is a lot being said right now about how children learn through play,” said Mike Griffith, Director of Marketing for Food Management Partners, the parent company for Ovation Brands. “We’ve designed our Family Nights to do just that, while also presenting a great opportunity for families to share new discoveries together around the dinner table.”
All Family Night Kids’ Activities are free to all guests at participating Ryan’s®, HomeTown® Buffet, Old Country Buffet® and Country Buffet® locations. Kids simply meet up in the designated activity area, where an adult staff member will be leading the night’s fun-filled experience. Parents are welcome to enjoy a quiet meal in the meantime, or join in with kids as desired. Along with each weekly event, children will also receive “fun sheets” that relate back to each night’s theme.
Upcoming events include:
March 17 “St. Patrick’s Day” brings kids along on a magical four-leaf clover hunt with prizes, candies, and free dinner coupons for those that collect the most clovers. Extra clovers will be given to kids who show up wearing green.
March 24 “Let’s Run for Office!” teaches kids the basics about election time and how to campaign by making slogans, buttons, and campaign promises before holding their own mini election.
March 31 “Spring Selfie” is a great social media photo-booth-style experience the whole family can take part in. Frames, decorations, and mini props will be provided at each location.
April 7 “Bake Off!” gets children into the wholesome fun of cooking by baking one of Amelia Bedelia’s favorites – classic Apple Pie.
April 14 “Recipes Done Right” helps kids see how important it is to follow instructions – especially when baking – with a fun ‘scramble’ game to see which team can re-create certain recipes.
April 21 “Fly a Kite” celebrates one of Springtime’s most popular activities by coloring and assembling a miniature kite for flying or decorating their rooms
April 28 “Dream Pie” invites children to explore their imaginations and their appetites with a colorful design-your-own pie creation to share with the group
May 5 “The Power of Words That Help Out” features Amelia Bedelia and her silly mix-ups of common phrases as kids discover the multiple meanings of words and phrases during a Simon-Says-style game.
May 12 “Magic Words” highlights Amelia Bedelia once again – but this time showing how words can make a difference through manners and also through magic – with multiple magical demonstrations kids can recreate at home.
“The world is full of interesting lessons if we just know where to look for them,” continued Griffith. “We’re happy that Ovation Brands’ Family Nights is a place where those kinds of explorations happen naturally. We can’t think of a better way to bring parents and kids together in such a positive way.”
Families can also save on Family Nights from 3:30PM – Close when kids under age 11 can eat for $1.99. This offer is valid for up to two kids per regular priced adult meal purchase. Families can also enter for a chance to win a 7-night Caribbean cruise for a family of four including air transportation, courtesy of MSC Cruises. For more information about the prize or how to enter, visit www.AmeliaBedeliaFamilyFunSweeps.com.