I don’t do a whole lot of couponing at HT because.. It never seems to work out for me- This is a perfect example of my mom and I using the same coupons and doing identical deals and it going totally crazy- usually one of us it will work and the other it goes haywire. Also, our HT – they are not super friendly to couponers either it seems.. but every now and again we give it a go….
Of course, I haven’t got to go out this week but my mom did hit up a really awesome deal on Bella Dog Food for my little miss Marley yesterday! Marley is pretty easy to buy food for – she likes everything I think under the sun except for the green pieces in regular kibbles and bits lol. Sam, he’s one finicky kitteh man, and I have to get him a specific food and i’ve taken to getting it on Amazon actually..
Here is The Deal- It is super simple- Also she had double coupons, thanks to a neighbor – I am also going to do this deal when I get out and about whenever that is – The sale runs until Tuesday, but I know that the HT down the road (not the one out from my house ) was out of it when she had ran in to check when she was out thrift shopping without me yesterday- so hopefully i’ll get out soon!
Bella Dog Food 3lb Bag Regular Price $6.99
On Sale for BOGO
Use a $3 coupon on each bag(Printable, You can find them in the pet section on coupons.com- I don’t have an affiliate thing there just quite yet so you can just go search- really easy to find!) =.99 cent for 2 or .49 cent each!