So I haven’t actually went on a actual super planned out major coupon trip in several weeks! I did go last week after David’s christmas party for his work (and my dad) because I needed to release some stress (long story , lol) So I had figured out a deal to use my carepass extrabucks to do the 3 for $10 coke products and then I had $5 other extrabucks and with my CRT’s I could get Tide for free as well (a pod and small liquid) for free as well (I didn’t really mind loosing the $5- I mean It will be easy to recover that(since the deal wasn’t going to get me any extrabucks back), and as far as the ones for the coke, I knew my carepass would reset so it wasn’t a big deal there either.
Anyways I got all of that for .62 (taxes) so it was a quick and simple late evening trip- I was probably in CVS about 8:20 or so! I hardly ever go that late, and especially through the week. I even went to the one up the road that I prefer to go to ,but since it is further and they have a smaller beauty selection I usually still go to the one closer on my end! Anyways, it was a great simple trip 🙂
I actually anticipated taking a small break, that is why I converted a lot of my EB’s into gift cards ( which reminds me I was supposed to write a post about why I love the gift cards so much.. I even made a graphic lol) Anyways, I knew with the holidays and such it would be a better thing to do.. that way I can start over at any point – extrabucks expire so you don’t have that kind of option!
Am I burnt out a little bit on couponing? Yes, and NO…. I am burnt out because I really don’t need anymore of some things.. and I honestly haven’t saw any really awesome deals in several weeks (as in rolling bucks, doing multiple transactions and all that sort of thing) I honestly tried to work out a snacks/household/laundry deal last week and the best I came up with was like $14 out of pocket (could have used a gift card and made it $4) – it was a lot of stuff but it just didn’t come up the way I wanted it no matter what. and that was IF the CRT’s all worked right.. and with some of those $ off of $ ones it gets complicated
I have an overstock of SHAMPOOO/CONDITIONER/HAIR STUFF not to say if … there was a deal on some got2b pomade , some love beauty planet (I can always get some more lavender shampoo/condioner or dry shampoo) that I wouldn’t grab some.. but other than that I’m out on hair care unless its free/super low and I can then trade it to my uncle for pallet goodies. I have a good thing going there.
As far as makeup… i’m good there too- but again if it came down to it I can trade it.
I have TONS OF tampons… if they happened to have the ULTRAS though by tampax i’d work out something..(our store never seems to have those) I also have tons of the wipes as well.
Most people would probably think that my tide /gain collection is pretty amazing.. and it is but I am trying to stockpile that like mad! I know that P&G has gotten even more anal about their policies and we have went from getting $3 off to getting like $1 off on Tide.. so I think it will fade out , so I am trying to get as much as I can while I can! I know that this change in coupon amount has occured over just this year with me couponing! I know that $1 is still something, and some regions don’t get that but.. c’mon…
I have a pretty OK stock of toilet paper and paper towels.. I wouldn’t mind bumping it up a little bit though!
A few things I would like to have more of ?
Fabric Softner
Febreeze Spray
I might take some pics eventually or do a video of my stockpile.. you never know.. I might get spry ha ha
So Yes, I am taking a small break for a while .. until I see some deals that really peak my interests! I also might want to check DG out for some deals.. been a while since I went there and sometimes I can do really well there!