Hey Everyone
Today I am just trying to get up and GO GO GO and do whatever holds my interest. I would love to sit and read obviously , but I can do that ANY TIME so.. (Or any time except when you have a chemical burn twice in your eye and are trying to heal and wait for new glasses.. ) I know that I am more to do things around the house on a week day though instead of the weekend sooo.. I think I might hit up some of my dresser drawers and straighten them up /clean them out. I must be o.k if i’m willing to do that ha ha.
I also would like to shave.. because tomorrow we are having the pool party here at the apt place. I generally go to this for not the pool but free food and adult beverages (last year we had mimosas and beer.. lol) I guess not really free I pay a lot to live here so might as well enjoy it right? I also generally win a prize.. sometimes it has been candles/tool sets and gift cards and even lunchboxes and stuff so.. It is worth showing up! I actually kind of look forward to it. Anyways, If I shave I can wear something more light and airy like a flitty dress or some really light capri’s or something! I look like a pale peasant so .. lol
I am seriously just trying my best to be super upbeat and positive. With all the stuff going on the last month or so it has kind of been a bit of a bummer but thankfully everything is seemingly getting a bit better.. or at least I hope so! I mean .. sometimes you kind of wonder what the heck you did to cause things to go the way they do if you know what I mean!
Well.. I started this post and have gotten distracted like 50x… so I’m gonna go and try again later lol..