Hey Everyone
Well..I have been super busy doing a little bit of this and that, and totally haven’t updated this year- ooopsie!
I know that last week David had that random day off in the middle of the week so that threw me off a bit- and then we had went over to my mom and dads on new years for lunch. I also had got my hair colored last Sunday- it is this super crazy red color that I love actually.
The weekend we just kind of did a little bit of everything including going into town and I finally got my pita that I have been wanting for several weeks!
It just seems like lately the little nit picky stuff is taking up a ton of time- but i’m good with it- it keeps me busy.
My favorite things lately are coloring on my ipad, watching tons of tv (game show channel on Pluto TV mostly) and reading! I have set my goal as 120 this year, but in my head it is 365+ ha ha. Of course I didn’t make it last year with everything that went on + the eye injury that sucked up a lot of time….
I haven’t went couponing since David and my dads christmas party and that was kind of a fly by the seat of my pants deal.. and I probably won’t be going for a while… kind of burnt out on it- which I hate but you never know when the urge and interest will come back…and if I hear of a good deal or see one or something I will try to still post it here.
Well.. I hate that this is a super short post again but I really haven’t had much that I have wanted to say lately .. that could also change at any minute ha ha
Later taters