Well Howdy There Everyone!
I started a post late yesterday evening and got distracted (of course!) and never managed to get it up. You all know how I don’t like to leave a huge stream of writing challenge posts without something in the middle to break them up! Oh well.. every now and again it won’t hurt I suppose!
This weekend pretty much flew by! Friday we went to my mom and dads for some 4th of July food and then we let off some fireworks out back here. We had planned to go to L-Town and watch the fireworks but we discovered that my little grasshopper(Marley), is REALLY Scared of fireworks (I am talking panting, pacing and shaking scared) so we didn’t want to leave her alone! We had thought about taking her to my mom and dads but the people where she lives let off more fireworks than you would think ..so we just did every thing low key, and I am fine with that!
Saturday started out pretty well.. It was bright and sunny and I was in such a great mood. Then David told me that his Brother was coming over (he got a ride with someone) and I just kind lost my mood lol. We ended up going to eat , and the entire time we thought alex was going home but no..he spent the night! When we came home from eating I wasn’t feeling really well and even though it was 7 pm I laid down for a nap. I got up at 8 and pushed through til 9:30 but by one episode of little house I was down for the night.
Yesterday we had to take Alex back home.. and after that the day just kind of got away from me!
I really do think the Late Nights/Early mornings and rarely napping thing is starting to catch up with me, along with some god awful cramps I am having ..Darn female times, I am telling you! They are really low and weird.. so believe me when my female time does decide to visit I will probably be spending a good bit of time in bed with a heating pad!
I don’t mind getting up early even if I do have to nap , but my evening schedule is going to have to change.We aren’t getting in bed seemingly before 1 a/m for the last 2 weeks or longer. I don’t know how I even make it! I am so wore out but around 9 or so i get this burst and can’t calm down for some reason!
I was actually happy to take the weekend off of being online/blogging for the most part even though I am no longer ahead on any of the blog challenges (actually on SB I am 4-7 behind) I really don’t want to be burned out on blogging so.. if I have to take a couple days off to prevent it I will. I def. don’t want to totally crash and let everything go like I Have a few times in the past! I don’t think if I do that again I will be able to find it in me to get things going again!
BE Society started a new branch/project last night called BE Fit which couldn’t have came at a better time! David and I have been claiming we are going to do better with eating/working out and what not for a while and Saturday David got a bike. His goal is to ride to and from work on it, which is about 5 miles total there and back. I had wanted to get a wiifit u but we don’t have a wii right now, so instead Marley and I will be taking a few walks everyday/david and i will walk and I want to use our clubhouse fitness room. I am paying for it, might as well take advantage you know? I actually probably should be out walking right now lol.
A few things David and I had talked about before we moved was that we were NOT going to be eating out as much and I was going to give up on the drinking considerably. Now I have done really well on the drinking part (not as good as I could) but we are still eating out too much. I don’t know why we don’t just take advantage of eating at my moms a little bit more because she is always asking us to come over and eat! She knows i get burnt out easily on cooking and that with the heat I HATE it even more. So we are going to work a bit better on where and what we eat as well.
I hate that I am no longer ahead on the blog challenge and that I am behind on SB one but.. I realized I was being too stressed about being ahead .. I mean nothing wrong with it and if I get in the position where I am in a writing mood I will get ahead again, but there isn’t anything wrong with just writing them day to day either! I have found it is really difficult writing 2 different challenges for me too. I should have broke myself in a little bit slower!
Well, I am out right now. I have to get my 3 pics for the instagram challenge up(Sat-Today) and try to get my blogroll fixed up! I have a review to work on which where I am so out of the loop on writing reviews is kind of stressing me out even though it isn’t hard. I can see why my lazy self gave up on reviewing there for a while lol. My goal with this one is to have it up sometime Saturday at the latest!
later gators