Hey Everyone
Well, Even though I have a headache that is killing me.. seriously.. this headache is like wtf for real. I already took Advil, a shower and I am diffusing some Rosemary oil (Lavender would have been my first choice, but no no it has a child safety cap on it that I can’t ever get open ) I think it is helping slightly but man.. this thing came on all of a sudden and doesn’t want to leave easily for sure! So yes, even still, I decided I would try to write a few lines.
My mom and I ended up going out and about today for a while.. went to CM (I got a DVD , a CD and a shower curtain- I didn’t even look at the clothes believe it or not) Dollar Tree (We got one right up from us now) I got some chips.. I used to go to dollar tree all the time for snacks when we lived in town actually so that was cool. I also got a pair of pink sunglasses that match my samantha busch shop murph shirt that I wear all the time… We went in habitat and I hit the mother load of DVD’s- I got the planet earth set and the life set + 2 seasons of breaking bad for like $10 bucks all together! Then my mom decided she wanted to try the burger place i’m always going to .. then we went to walmart.
David is going to a concert with his peeps tomorrow evening so he’s actually taking the whole day off of work which means today was my last day to myself for the week- though i’ll be good and alone all tomorrow evening/night – which kind of freaks me out- I do ok until about 8 or so then i’m like a bit antsy. I just don’t like being alone – at least i have my fur babes though. We’ll probably watch movies or something lol.
I had every intention of getting tanning today and tomorrow but I don’t know about this evening with this freaking headache i’m thinking not. EH.
I was going to make some pasta salad for David for dinner but I realized we had the BBQ chicken leftover so i’ll see if he wants that and then if not i’ll do the pasta … i thought he took the BBQ for lunch for some reason..
Well, I would write more but I better get off of here and tend to this stupid headache and try to straighten a few things up I suppose.. maybe I can write a little more later on this evening or something.. you never know!