Hey Everyone
well, I had to do a few things this morning , so even though David just left I thought I’d take a few seconds to write a post before I try to go back to sleep- or give up/stay up and just nap later- sometimes that Is a better option when I know that I’m def. not going anywhere later on. I am SO hopeful that come this spring when the time changes I might be able to get up DO ALL THE THINGS (whatever that might be ) and then by lunch time BAM TONS OF TIME to do whatever….I LOVE when that works out.. but last year it just wasn’t in my cards!
Anyways, I do have a few new years goals but mostly for photo a day (which now that i’m back to android the app I use and follow along with prompts with won’t work because it is iphone only- so I can still do them I just have to tag and put in all the hashtags manually BLEH lol) and the other goal is to read 365 books. I also am trying to come up with some WORDS for the year. The ones last year sure didn’t happen for the most part ha ha.
Yesterday evening I went on a mini rampage through the kitchen- I started out just to clean the pantry and ended up cleaning the fridge, a cabinet and 2 drawers. – The other cabinet on that side should be fairly easy because it mostly just some of my pioneer woman stuff and the blender so lets just say i’m ready to hit the other side of the kitchen but I think that is where all the work is going to be ha ha…. hopefully I might get to that later on as well. Just so much random stuff that has accumulated over time- and I do generally clean up the fridge/pantry but the cabinets and drawers ? not so much…
I hope that maybe next week I can go to the Christian Ministries with my mom one day- this week they are doing a half off everything sell, so you likely can’t shake people with a stick lol. This also means they might be cleaned out on stuff and put out new goodies too 🙂 I don’t think i’ve been since right before christmas.
In all seriousness as far as blogging goes this year I would love to update a bit more, maybe get a little more “deep” at some points and update my subpages (especially policies and media kit) and get more followers of course. As far as reviewing goes i’m open to it but mostly right now what I’m interested in is letter board stuff/planner stuff. If I could work out a MB trip again late in the year I’d be open to that. Mostly around 1 review or so a month would work out well for me. I’m open and just playing it by ear. ..I don’t want to totally burn out- and of course I have really gotten into reading and such so..we will see how it goes-
I AS ALWAYS would love to share my thrift shop finds, write some writing prompts and share coupon stuff too – I usually do good on the coupon stuff when I am doing that but the thrift shop stuff seems to never be something I get to ha ha… GOALS RIGHT? I would love to be able to share more -hopefully the urge will be there this year – I spent most of last year going oh, by such and such point i’ll be back into the spirit of things and it really never happened – so I’m just really hopeful for this year and can’t wait to see how things go!
Well, I’m going to get off of here and cuddle a fur baby here at 6 . a/m – supposed to be raining today and tomorrow so…