Hey Everyone
Well.. Last night was a BUST with sleep. I had wanted to go to bed early, and had even put on my music headband & started my thunderstorm sound , put in my eye ointment and was actually IN BED and David asked me to stay up, so I was like o.k… I guess…. He had ran to publix for some cranberry juice and ended up bringing me back 4 of the mini bottles of wine (it takes all 4 to make a whole bottle) So I was like ok it is after 8, so i’ll just drink a couple and go to bed by 9:30 or so.
At 9:30 I was true to my word- 2 mini bottles and going to bed. At 10:30 I was still awake. At 2 a/m I woke up to get some water and i kept hearing this weird thump thump noise- I figured it was someone from upstairs in this one specific apartment, sitting in one of their cars listening to music.
At 3 It was still going strong and It was driving me crazy! David woke up and was like WTF and I was like yeah, it has been going on for over an hour so get on my level! He went outside to see if you could hear it anywhere else, and even went up to the 3rd floor and was like YEAH it is who you thought, but it is in the apt! Well, we ended up banging on the ceiling to be like- hey could you quiet it down you know? and THEY MADE IT LOUDER! David having to be up at 5 wasn’t particularly amused and we ended up calling non emergency 911. I didn’t think they were going to come, but they showed up and even knocked on the door because they could hear it as well. The dude NEVER came to the door.
David went down and talked to them about it and basically since we aren’t actually in town and blah blah. I really don’t know. I think if it had been just a smidge more loud.. anyways. yeah. I never managed to go back to sleep and I think since then I have slept an hour so.. MEH!
I have NEVER called non emergency 911 on anyone except one other time and it had to do with a dog being out in 100 degree weather tied up while people were not even home without water. I haven’t ever even had a problem really with anyone that lives here except these random people under us who wanted to cause some problems that never got off the ground because we A. weren’t doing anything and b . had lived here for like 6 years and the office people knew they were full of it!
Anyways, I am super tired. It started snowing a little bit ago AGAIN. BIG FREAKING FLAKES.It is like 33 and sticking to cars and the grass. We had bad weather last weekend and the only reason I’ll say BAD is because it was a crap ton of ice – to me snow is just.. snow lol. Ice is a hot mess. David ended up being off work Monday & Tuesday too!
I think tomorrow, since David ended up not having to work that we will probably still grab a burger just so we can get the heck out of the house. I haven’t been anywhere since last saturday and Sunday- Wed I was NEVER OUT OF THE HOUSE PERIOD so.. yah.. I also need to go to the store but that will probably be sometime Sunday. I am crossing my fingers that maybe my mom might invite us over to eat. She. & My dad were sick there a little bit and we haven’t been over + I haven’t saw my mom through the week for 3.5 weeks. I want some real food too lol.
I had hope to write more but I am super zzz and nothing is holding my interest TV wise and all my wireless headphones are dead so no music either. UGH so I guess I will cut this short and catch ya’ll later!