Hey Everyone
Today has been a LONG day.. and I didn’t seem to be able to really get anything accomplished – it is o.k though- somedays are just like that! I managed to get the quilt on the bed washed though- and I need to actually go check the dryer and see if it is dry and get it back on the bed.. but I would have to move the fur folks to do that so.. i’m just gonna hold out on it for a bit!
I kind of got this random weird headache about 2:30 and felt kind of warm there for a bit .. don’t even know what that was about .. i’m a tiniest bit light headed too so …that was random! I actually slept really well last night after I watched the masked singer so I don’t even know!
My mom stopped by today- she hadn’t been over in a while and then I haven’t really been out with her that much or anything either… I think she just came to drop off my mail and a few random things- nothing really important but she was out and she actually brought me a little string of lights for my charlie brown christmas tree…i know it isn’t supposed to be that in depth but it does look cute lol
Tonight I might rummage around in my closet and look for some of my knee socks.. or maybe not .. lol I don’t know. I haven’t really read any today…and I probably will watch riverdale.. honestly i just want to chill out and be warm! it has been cold as can be today..for some reason the heat hadn’t came on like it should in the night and it seem like it took forever to get it all warm this morning when David left. I didn’t want to turn on the fireplace heaters because I didn’t want to mess with the heat so.. that was fun
Well.. I realize this is really short again but.. sometimes even the rambly girl is quiet. Hopefully I might write some more later.. or tomorrow.. but got to get off and make some dinner right now!