Hey Everyone
Well, They ended up pushing my appointment back until June 10th at 8:45 ….They were going to get me in next week but they were booked solid and I would have just been waiting on a cancellation so I was like i’m o.k if we wait if you all think it is o.k to wait lol. They are calling me another bottle of drops in- want me to keep using them and start taperring them off- I was actually shocked that they were so open to waiting and calling in more drops. They seem pretty certain that nothing is wrong and that this is just a time consuming process and all that.
To me it makes me think of when you are downloading something and the last 15 percent or so just seems to drag and take forever… and sometimes you don’t see much progress for a while- kind of like back in the old days when the web was slower lol (Dial Up) SO I am just trying to remain positive. Like I say I’m not in pain, and I can get things down- I just have to wear my glasses a lot -It also seems to like David’s oakleys- ha ha – just seems like things are clearer in those. Maybe it is just sensative to light still? I just want it to be better SOONEST as good as it can be. I am happy with the progress.. and they don’t seem to think there will be lasting damage so I just need a chill pill lol
I had some CRAZY dreams this morning – they were just unsettling and they had to do with my grandpa, and I think that to be dreaming like that within two weeks of his death is just not right either. Usually it takes longer , and it was just freaking ooky. I don’t know how to explain it or even if I would want to write what I remember of it down but it ties in with some stuff .. ugh! I hope I don’t have a dream like that any time soon!
I would write a longer post but I have got to find some lunch. I want something crazy random like waffles or pancakes but I don’t have any lol so I am just trying to find something quick, easy and light… I’m making lo mein for dinner so that is taken care of .. I would love to curl up with a good book today too so lets see if I can get into something and i’ll catch ya’ll later!