Hey Everyone
Well, I am serious when I say this is the first time I have had this computer out since MONDAY and i’m not even sure I had it out that day! I know that David only worked half a day on Tuesday and when he got home we had to go out and get a few things done… and we had lucked out that his check went in a day early ( we had figured it would be late because the checks generally don’t post until Wed – which would have been Christmas)
Christmas day we ended up going into town to his dads and then eating at mcdonalds. I had every plan in the world to do my little casseroles thing I generally do for Thanksgiving and even had my stuff to do so.. Now I guess that might be new years or something ha ha.
Yesterday I was 100% zonked! I think because of going to bed and keeping a little bit more odd hours than even I am used tot keep for about a week now.. that and not really eating the best… it happens sometimes! So I pretty much just watched tv and did a few things around the house.
Today I am trying to follow up on a few things and since it is FRIDAY i’m trying to get everything up and done before the weekend- This holiday in the slap dab middle of the week and then David not getting an extra day has just been WEIRD .. usually he takes the day after or before or something but yeah .. been a while since he worked a whole day, a half day, got a day off and worked 2 days to get 2 days off
I am actually getting ready to have a super early lunch and then see what I can make happen from there. I know that tomorrow David says hes gonna take me back up to town to eat at my absolute favorite place and then I am trying to see if my mom might want to do tacos on Sunday and then color my hair. That dollar store color I did at thanksgiving SO didn’t last and i’m some odd ball color that I hate…
I really do hope to write more later.. i’m not used to these little itty bitty posts but sometimes they are better than none at all 🙂