You know how people are all like “new year , new me” and people make fun of it? I don’t make fun of it! I think it would be super awesome to be able to change some things in my life and what not, and if I need the new year to make that the time I start those things , then what is it to anyone else ? I actually want to do a few new things this year but I am trying to use that whole “january is a trial month” thing because I have been so busy with stuff to really get started. One thing David is trying to do is start riding his bike again- which with the rain we keep having I keep laughing at him and saying good luck.. However, we do have a really nice gym that they redid and upgraded here at the apartment place that since we are paying for it essentially, I should use it- and then learn more about working out and such!
One thing I wish I could understand that I don’t? Cryptocurrency! I don’t “get it” at all and I know that I have had people ask me about it, and I’m like I HAVE NO IDEA! It just hasn’t been something that I have really looked into , but with all the talk about it, I do admit to being a little bit interested! Who knows, in the spirit of this whole new year thing and learning new stuff and all of that I might eventually try to learn more about it! this website here looks like a good place to maybe get a start on that!
I know I have mentioned it before but we might have to move this year depending on how much our rent goes up- the crazy thing is it really doesn’t go up that much at a time but we had a limit on how much we wanted to spend to live here and we have kept on anyways- and with having the car and the truck to pay for it makes things super tight! I keep saying well.. eventually we will have one of those two things paid off and that we could still make things a bit tighter and make it on through- I just wish they would offer a lease term more than 15 months because I would be one of the first people to sign one of those- because I hate moving and I am not in the mood to have to find somewhere else- anywhere affordable is just going to be somewhere farther away than what I am going to want to deal with + probably in an area that is less than.. savory I guess would be a nice way to put that! Oh, and we would have to move in the summer here in the south? I already think i’m sick that week ha ha! It might be worth checking into things like you would learn if you click here