Hey Everyone
Well You know I don’t normally blog or do anything blog related on Monday but a few things came up so I wanted to take a few minutes and say HEY 🙂
I have a horrible headache and girly issues- of course right? I already thought the bad part of the girly stuff was behind me. Then I woke up this morning ha ha. So.. I am hoping that it might be done for the most part by tomorrow? PLEASE? LOL I mean I am FREAKING DRAINED- I need something to build up my blood iron because I am feeling anemic as heck. I could do a strawberry smoothie but I need milk for that- maybe if I make it out tanning today i’ll grab some on the way home. If the bleeding keeps up like it is though- I’ll be right here lol
I think I have finished up most of what needs done online- and as far as in the house I just need to make the bed and figure out dinner so.. I’m good there too … when I get done with this post I’m gonna find a snack/lunch and grab a book and chill out and rest!
The weekend wasn’t all that exciting- well I guess I take that back a little bit lol. David wanted a display case to put his Kyle Busch cars in and he wanted the one they had at ikea. Now I had heard of Ikea but never had been there and it is about 20 min from the house. Anyways- that was the most confusing busy place I have ever been. Then we get home and David puts it together and and it takes like 2 hours and he doesn’t like it after the fact so I have this big empty display case hanging around now.. OY …
He is trying to sell it but no one ever messages back after he says it is still available so .. Oh and it gets me off balance because it is all glass and it is kind of in my way when i’m going back and forth to the trash can /laundry room. I have REALLY got to be careful .. It just disorients me a bit!
Yesterday we ended up grabbing a few things at Publix and having some of their chicken for lunch/dinner and just hung out around the house.
well I realize this is a really short post , and I would write more but I need to go snag some lunch and get off of here for a while – i’ll catch ya’ll later gators!