Hey Everyone
Well, I thought I better sit and write a post while I had a few minutes! I kind of hit the ground running today with doing laundry, changing sheets, running the dishwasher and that sort of thing… I’ve already ate lunch at it is barely noon as well! I still need to clean sams box and start something in the crock pot for dinner, but other than that the day is pretty much already MINE for whatever I want to do! I love when that happens ๐
I can’t believe it will be Christmas in one week from today, but I will be glad when it is through! I am NOT festive this year, and while I’m not as bah humbug as I could be, I am pretty MEH… and David had been doing SUPER awesome until yesterday so.. yeah..I can’t wait for Christmas to be over and then for it to be a new year. I am also super hopeful that next year will be TONS better you know?
I am on a super duper reading binge the last few days. I already knew I wouldn’t make my goal of 365 books (thanks eye burn, etc etc… that wiped out a good 2 months or so right there!) my new goal was half of that but right now I am sitting at 110 so i’m not thinking i’m going to make it-though I have tried to go down to like 150 page or so books- instead of 350+ like some of the ones I have read so maybe it might can still happen? I doubt it though. I guess realistically if you think for a year of KU it is $120- if I read 120 books that would be $1 a book so I might can deal with that!
And back to the Christmas thing.. I am 99% sure we aren’t going to my grandmas for christmas which kind of bums me out a little bit , but with David only getting christmas day off that sure is an extra special whirlwind trip- getting up traveling for 4 hours , spending a few hours and getting back home (4 more hours to travel) and then having to work the rest of the week? Meh- it like to drug me down for 2-3 days last time I was wore out because we didn’t sleep good the night before and then the stress and such.. I am just NOT seeing it happen unfortunately!
There is ONE thing I generally get for christmas every year and I’ve already tried to be hinting at it so maybe i’ll get it soon if i’m going to get it..
Which means i need to come up with something a little special for us here at home. I might try to figure out our holiday punch recipe and spruce it up a notch or something.. i’m gonna look into it …
I’m very likely not going out and about or doing any couponing this week, but i’m fine with that.. I need a break!
Well.. This is still a pretty short post for me, and I do apologize but I am gonna try to start doing audio posts or video posts (most likely audio- kinda not feeling the youtube trolling of you look high, you do weird things with your eyes, you are ugly.. ) so maybe that will make up for it?
maybe i can write some more later.. got to go get the food started and i’ve got a hot date with a hot book ๐ Oh and who knows.. might clean up something random too as usual!