So… When we first moved to these apartments 8 years or so ago, you could pretty well do whatever you wanted internet wise. Have it. Not have it. Have whoever you wanted that was available in our area.. .you know.. like it should be right?
Then they came and did this whole community wifi thing. To my knowledge, it doesn’t matter if you use it or not- you have to pay for it either way š It is super low speed and super glitchy. The main thing that wouldn’t work for us was my wireless printer, which super pissed me off since I was used to being able to be able to print from wherever I was- especially with coupons and such.
You have to go to a website and add devices by mac address too. It is SUPER DUPER ANNOYING. Oh, and sometimes even when you do that stuff doesn’t work. They say they can send the internet people to do it, but honestly they don’t know anything either!
As of sometime in May it quit letting our ring peephole cam work. I can’t tell you the specifics of when and what because that is when I was dealing with the puppy that we had there for a couple weeks, but lets just say IT WOULD NOT WORK. David switched it over to his phone internet, my phone internet and we even tried a T-Mobile hotspot and it worked just fine.. but on the apt wifi- both guest and resident it was a NO GO.
Now, it isn’t a secret that for some reason the apartment place DOES NOT like me having the ring. I don’t know WHAT the deal is and have never had anything directly said to me but its a vibe I get. I have caught some interesting things including someone trying to open my door at 7 a/m, a ghost girl in the middle of the night , the drug raid next door (oh, yeah apparently scarface lived next door last summer. I had totally forgot about that!) kids sneaking around the camera and stealing david ‘s shoes .. and honestly my neighbors are always telling me that they like my having it because they know if something happens it would be on my camera!
SO,Ā David got super tired of trying to game and it glitching so he decided we would just pay double for the internet. Amazing how just as soon as we got on normal internet the camera worked , my printer worked. EVERYTHING WORKED. It was rather nice. However, paying DOUBLE for internet is kinda.. not cool so we decided to go back to the CRAP community wifi. The funny thing is when they come by to do updates we mention how CRAP it is and they like yeah we know (the people working for the internet company) *sigh*
So as of saturday we went back to CRAP INTERNET :(. So far my ring doesn’t work, the printer doesn’t work except when plugged in and now we add 2 devices to that list. Our air purifier won’t connect through the app and my lenevo google smart clock we don’t have the box for, so I don’t have an mac address to connect it !There are a million numbers on it, but not the mac address – there is probably another way to find it, but we haven’t really looked yet.
Oh, and my laptop and my desktop I’m running them on guest wifi because we have been too busy to freaking add them to resident.
I just think that it s total crap that we have to pay for it whether we use it or not. I think that everyone should be able to choose what they want when it comes to things like this. I don’t think it is much better at any other apt places around here now either so….MEH!