Hey Everyone!
I am in much better spirits today, but I didn’t sleep well after David left so that sucks. You win some you loose some right? Ha Ha. I swear I feel like Eeyore anymore with my whole Moodiness and what not and my whole every thing is the same ole same ole spill! I swear though I’m OK if anyone was worried-which I doubt anyone was but I’m saying.
I think that it was this day back in 2012 I woke up crying and didn’t know why and then that is when I ended up taking ST Johns wort for a while. I tried to take it again a year or two ago for a while but it screwed up my girly stuff MAJORLY so I had to go off of it. I am not saying I need it again but I kind of wonder sometimes 🙂
I am taking something called Sprilina (I probably spelled it wrong)I haven’t managed to take it correctly in a while and I’m trying to get back on it- It is good for liver, appetite control and a whole ton of other things. The thing is the doseage I have requires 6 pills a day and it is supposed to be 2 at a time- I generally forget the last time so I’m trying to do it in 3’s lol. It kind of gives me a wonky tummy though sometimes so.. eh..
Oh which totally just reminded me that for some reason my green tea that I always drink- it has a weird taste for some reason and it is driving me crazy- I am about to try it again here in a few because I don’t know WHAT the taste is and why. I think the last bottle of it I had was the same way- I just thought it was because I was taking the Sprilina with it and it is like a green type of supplement so I thought they just weren’t mixing well!
I REALLY hope my credit card comes today. It is over a month now and I mean seriously- the bill and a notice to activate it made it here so.. *sigh* I love how they tell me they can’t overnight it though- because I had this happen one time before so.. If this one doesn’t come by Friday i’m gonna be on that phone like WTF you know?
Right now i’m going to get off of here and straighten the couch and put away dishes because those don’t take very long… Dinner is leftovers so that is taken care of and really the only thing else is making the bed. Weird thing is I see the mail truck out driving around in here which NEVER happens- We used to have it on Sunday before Amazon started doing their own delivery but the actual mail people never drive this way so who knows. I guess I’ll go see if the mail is up.. usually it doesn’t come till 1130 so.. yeah lol
Later Taters