Hey Everyone
Well, Today has been a busy day- I went over to my moms and we put together some various salads- I think we ended up with chicken salad, mediterannian salad, 3 bean pasta salad, egg salad, potato salad,THE pasta salad and then some watermelon and some extra boiled eggs.. I might have left something out but pair that with some sandwich stuff and regular salad stuff and we are set! It didn’t take too awful long, and we even managed to color my hair- which took longer than I had hoped for but I didn’t want to use the dryer on my hair because it could have messed with my eye- which get this – my eye is sore as heck- the bad one- because… I HAVE A WHITE HEAD on my eye lid smack dab in the middle lol. It could be worse though we all know that- I figure by tomorrow it will have dwindled down some on soreness.
I haven’t used any drops in it since Friday- I actually meant to use one last night at bedtime and forgot- It just seems like it was making my eye a bit fuzzier than when I don’t use them so I was kinda trying to dwindle them down any ways.. I probably will use one tonight..My appointment isn’t till next Monday so I have a good while to get the whitehead gone and all that good stuff. Heck yesterday I didn’t even wear my glasses like at all and it went pretty good-
Except I did have a migraine yesterday OMG … We had went out to eat at some BBQ place that I Had never been too- I was excited about it and was eating hushpuppies and BAM right in the middle of that I started to get a bit dizzy and nauseous and such. I managed to not throw up but it was hard- I had really just thought it was a regular headache at first and already had taken advil so I couldnt take any excedrin. I just hated I didn’t get to eat my food at that time.. I did get to bring it home and it was good- I would eat there again of course. ..I have to say probably the first time i ever ordered food and didn’t eat it- usually if I go somewhere and it just isn’t what I want or whatever i just don’t get anything!
It was the mildest migraine i have had- it was 3 and I honestly just figured I would have one sooner than later because it had been so long and what not ..
Saturday was a blur of a day- David had to work half a day, we went and ate at the yummy hot dog place and ended up sleeping the day away lol. I don’t hardly ever nap anymore – and then with this eye and everything going on- well I didn’t even feel bad lol.
They have to come in to put this stupid pin in my door and the stupid sink stopper but I told them to wait till Thursday/Friday afternoon- though If i see them out and about I might get them to come on and do it. I don’t figure i’ll be out and about too awful much this week though- I kind of have what I need done, done. I’m actually hoping I can start reading some- I am on some newsletters and since it is begining of month there are tons of freebies i’m trying to comb through and download from 🙂
Well, It is almost 4 and i’m going to go check the clothes in the dryer and switch the ones in the washer to the dryer, take out the dog and maybe get a quick shower.. so i’ll catch ya later!