Hey Everyone
Wowzers Ya’ll you talk about H O T -it has taken it to a new level today! I didn’t sleep very well after David left and I knew that my mom was gonna meet a girl to sale some honey to so I had told her to stop by and pick up a few things that I had for her like her canning jars and such (I had a good collection) and some of her reusable shopping bags.
She brought me half of a watermelon and I also printed her out some coupons. Then she took me tanning and thankfully my favorite gal was there! I was a bit worried since they had that new girl in there the other day and I am so in and out with going the past few days! Oh and on that water melon note? It makes THE BEST infused water. The only thing that sucks is the seeds- which I know they make seedless watermelon but I can’t eat it for some reason! Everytime I have tried my throat starts itching like crazy so I guess some how where it is genetically altered I am allergic.
I was joking with David when I talked to him at lunch because he said he wanted ice cream for dinner and I was like well I was thinking Sandwiches, Ice Cream Sandwiches that is ha ha! I know that I have some left over steak and peppers I wouldn’t mind eating and there is also some chicken salad left.
I don’t mind if we don’t eat out but if we did I would like the Pizza Buffet that I like that has the wings and good salad! That or Mexican which is way more reasonable at lunch time- but David had faijtas yesterday when we ate out so I bet he won’t do it again any time soon- it sucks because I have been wanting fajitas/mexican for like 2 weeks and when we ate out last night the place we went to had fajitas but I am so used to going on a cheap route I just got my usual wings and fries!
I took back the cute little camera that was $500 and I got for 80 a few weeks back because we needed the money a whole lot more than the camera at the time. I also took back my bluetooth keyboard (I can always get that off amazon cheaper) anyways, guess what? that camera is sitting out there on the shelf for $50! It is killing me to not go get it and bring it home! I had made my peace with it but honestly for that price? Oy!
Thankfully things worked out this time around where we aren’t totally screwed with rent and car payment thanks to ditching some unnecessary things and what not. We are hoping to make an extra car payment next check that way we can be one ahead from here on out hopefully!
I saw the people next door got a note about renewing their lease. Their apartment is essentially the same as ours but it has the tacky upgrades (dark floor,dark cabinets and the stainless steel appliances (which I wouldn’t mind those)I think some of them even have built in micorwaves too) anyways.. their rent for the 15 month term (the cheaper option) is about $200 different than ours! I hope that ours doesn’t go up too awful much.
I have this sinking suspicion that somehow I have a kidney infection on the way so I am off to try to dig up some uristat or something.