Hey Everyone
Well… hate to say it but I am already annoyed today! I know I had written that I was trading some of the random junk that I have that I don’t want to my uncle in exchange for credit where I buy things from where he buys pallets (good god that was a mouth full. I don’t know if it makes sense, but it isn’t as complicated as it might sound lol)
Anyways, I had gathered a few things up around the house and my mom all of a sudden found this missing yard sale stuff that I thought she had already gotten rid of – she had it in this wooden box in the driveway and that thing got wet somehow another a long back so I thought she just hauled everything away. Anyways, there was some really nice stuff that I had in there. SO it turns out that I took a big bag of stuff and she had a TUB full of my stuff.
I owe him about $63 so .. even though I was like DAMN he is getting a whole crap-ton of my stuff and really nice expensive stuff.. whatever. If he wants to trade me out even I’ll just live with it. If he gives me some more in credit that would be awesome.
Well, I ended up cleaning out 2 more bags of stuff this weekend- A couple coach bags and other things. Well at the same time David got me these Invicta watches that were like $60 but he didn’t pay attention that they were not what is called a baby diver and these things are honking huge and esp. for someone like me with tiny arms.
He can’t return them so he said if I could get my uncle to buy them for $60 he’d be happy. They go for like $140 everywhere else so.. I was like Well.. between the stuff i’m already trading -if he just gave me the $60 in credit and $60 in cash I think i’d consider it pretty well square.
Anyways, I generally let my mom do the middle work and she said right from the get go , oh no one would want those and that she would think he wouldn’t buy them and this and that and well it flew all over me wrong. I was like are you freaking kidding? he’s getting HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of bucks in stuff. He could just consider that he’d be getting it all for $120 basically you know- It didn’t have to be looked at as $60 for just the watches- just cancel out what I owe and then $60 in cash, but I just kept my mouth shut.
She tends to go at least one week every spring and summer where she gets ill with me and I just didn’t feel like dealing with it. Honestly , if it wasn’t 1 weekend still before pay day I wouldn’t care (usually when he’s bought stuff she gives me the money and she just keeps what he gives her that way I can already have it)
Yesterday she stopped by and I gave her the other 2 bags and showed the watches to her but other than that I haven’t brought it up so much.
I was working on a pitch while ago and she called me- and I figured she was about to go out and about and wanted me to go because literally I had just hung up, took out Marley and got back in the house but she was telling me to message him and ask him if he’d buy them, and that I would consider that as payment for what I owed him and all this and i’m like UM first of all busy as hell here but um NO it has to be cash. David explicitly said that he wanted money.
I was like I might do it after while but I got things going right now. I’m like seriously of all the stuff I have it has to be worth what i’m asking and then some- unless she’s going to trade it and then keep the credit herself if you know what i’m saying? which that really irks me off when I think about that!
I just hope she don’t mess up and not end up with what I already am supposed to get – because I had $40 of the money a couple weeks back and she was all oh don’t worry about it, i’m going to work out a deal blah blah blah. The bulk of the money is for some headphones David was wanting and then I got a straightening brush. -he owes me a fit bit band from last time and then a fuzzy tablet case. The last time David had something expensive we ended up not going and I thought my mom would just spot the money and wouldn’t you just know she didn’t so everytime David is supposed to get something it gets screwed up …
Anyways, I am just hopeful that we get what we are supposed to. I would love to have the 60 for the weekend but.. i’m just about at the point i’m going to say Screw it and move on.
Right now it is time for some lunch , and i’m going to read some. Might watch t.v.. good times. Hopefully i’ll ramble some more at ya’ll later. I did start that review last night and probably could have fixed it but I ended up going tanning, having Japanese and going to walmart. By the time I got home and settled it was after 7 and I was like MEH so we’ll see if I can work on that too!
Later Gators