Hey Everyone
I pretty much knew that I would not be blogging very much until up into January after the big rush with my gift guide/trip reviews/gift guide part 2 but I thought I might miss it a little more than I have lol. It seems like January is just that kind of that way for me usually 🙂 I have been having a ton of relaxing fun with David and the Fur folks (and David had a few short weeks with Christmas and the New years) watching tons of random tv (my story, and I just got Hulu back after a long time)
Then I have been trying to make the guest room into a office but I haven’t quite got everything in there the way I want it just yet – and I would love to pick up a few random things to stick in there so I’m happy to have a fun little “project” so to speak. I have hung out in there a few times and I like the way it feels in there 🙂
I have also been cleaning out in my big closet a bit again and just enjoying life offline for the most part! I need to get me a good balance between the two and I should be good to go!  I have lots of ideas and thoughts for putting things on the blog and what not I just got to get on it and I will eventually! I am also doing 2 photo a days this month!
Well.. I didn’t have a whole lot to write but I did want to write so.. i’ll catch ya’ll later taters!