Hey Everyone
It is 5 p/m and it is so hot I am about to cry. I mean I know it is getting to be that time of the year, but is it not early this year? like on Sunday I believe it was when David went to get me my cute patio lights it was like 101 in the SHADE at 6 p/m! We had been at the pool and had a cook out- upon telling my grandma this information she was like you didn’t get in any nasty pool did you? you can’t be in that with your eye… then when I told her about the heat she is like you best not be in that you’ll get heat sick lol. It just seems like we should not have this kind of heat until like .. June or July (Yeah, it is almost june but still..)
No worries though, I had NO interest in the pool. Seriously, they are SO F R EA K I N G anal about the pool it is like did you think about a pool in august of 1999 ? then you have comitted a crime against our pool and we’ll hunt you down. My general rule is that it doesn’t exist and don’t talk about it, think about it or look at it- let alone visit it or anything! I only went down there because David made steak on the grill.. then I headed back to the house. Lo and behold there was a note about stuff going down at the pool over the weekend yesterday morning. I didn’t see anything shady when we were down there but I think things got a bit nuts on Monday afternoon- I did see cops at one point so ???
As far as being out in extreme heat, it is hard to avoid it, and I do try to go out later in the day after like 7 for the most parts but it seems like those are the most sunny and hot times of the day anymore for some reason? Is it just me or is that legit ?
Anyways, I would LOVE some ice cream (and i’m not really a big ice cream person) or a fruit bar or a smoothie or something this evening if at all possible. I made lo mein but I still have to make the noodles for it..and tomorrow we are going to go eat wings which i’m excited about. I need to still figure out something quick and easy for Friday and i’m going to make all those salads next week so.. i’m super happy about that.
Tomorrow my mom and I are going to CVS. I guess i’m spending down my extra bucks and kinda going “out” for a while but it is all good. I wouldn’t mind a visit to the CM – I haven’t been since before my eye went screwy.. See I was gonna make a post and not mention the eye lol. I had to send the eye dr sevral messages about my apt because i kept getting reminders for a 130 today apt- this wast like 12:45 and i’m sitting here with my lean cusine watching green acres cuddled up with my fur folks- load of clothes in washer, one in dryer and towels on the bed to be folded and my dishwasher running- + my dad is off this week and him and my mom were gone to charlotte and I don’t have the car anymore in the day so.. no way to get there.. and i’m like UM I don’t see it happenin’ and how about that prescription? Usually I get a text that I am getting one called in but never got one so I don’t know. I’ll pick it up tomorrow when I’m out with my mom if I can.. I think because it was faxed in and not sent via their system like usual..
I am NOT looking forward to making my pasta for the lo mein- heating up the stove OY. I just never did seem to be able to make pasta in the crcokpot work.. it ends up a hot smushy mess!
They have been doing the lawn care BS here today. let me just say that before I EVER had a problem with my eye I knew they didn’t have a darn clue how to mow grass let alone anything else- they even get right up on top of people including me while they are doing stuff. and at any time even after they have “mowed” there is enough grass to come up past my ankles (I might be short but still..) So.. anyways I get ready AGAIN to take Mars out at about 9:45 – already had my shoes on and my sunglasses on my head – was just rubbing some concealer on my face- and here they were- just like yesterday! Then… this evening I even waited to take her out because I had been doing other random stuff and just as soon as I open the door… uGH! I am more paranoid than u know that this could happen again- though thankfuly so far so good right?
Anyways, I’ll try to write some more after while. I don’t have any plans for this evening except finding something to watch and trying to stay cool!