Hi Everyone
Well.. I didn’t mean to fall off the face of the earth but blogging just hasn’t been my thing for so long- I think sometimes if I could just make it a habit kind of thing again, I might would be better off. It isn’t like I have abandoned the blog for anything in particular, I just never really feel like writing anymore. I do make audio recordings, kind of like a pod cast ..but nothing that has managed to be published just quite yet. I think I really would like a podcast sort of blog thing, but I don’t know! I would like to be able to do youtube, but I am just not there for all the hate that comes with some of that. David actually bought me a ring light tripod thing and a microphone so.. you never know right?
I decided to write in part because I actually had the computer out today, most days I just use my tablet or phone, and sometimes when I am feeding luna and marley I might look at something on the big mac while I’m down in the “office” which I love how it turned out down there and never use 😉
Basically my day consists of tv, reading, housework, and cuddling with the fur folks,browsing the web and such- just lo key things most days. My depression has been pretty eek since about the fall of 2021. I Had just managed to sort of get better when we got the puppy that didn’t work out, which threw me right back into it, then we quickly got Luna and it triggered some anxiety, we got covid and .. yeah.
The last little bit I wouldn’t say I was so much depressed, but mostly for this year my hormones have went crazy- and every 3-6 weeks or so I tend to just have a day where I just LOOSE it. Last month was especially bad, so tying that in with some night sweats.. maybe I am having pre-menapause? That seems so weird to think/write at 39 but ???? I won’t go into detail but my periods have totally went off the rails this year as well so.. yeah. Throw in some wicked freaking migraines and … well.. it just seems like it is ALWAYS SOMETHING …
In general though, things are pretty alright. I don’t have anything to complain about other than the summer heat! WHICH IS OFF ITS ROCKER , BTW!
Today I have all the shades pulled, the fan on and 3 fur folks laying on the bed beside me so they can enjoy the fan. I don’t have a lot to do today, which honestly is most days… I know this evening i’m going to finish my grocery shopping at Publix. I actually hit up Aldi & Walmart a day early yesterday. I would love to be able to get over to my moms to get a fresh tomato, some watermelon and some new potatoes but that might not happen before she works everything up to can or whatever so… eh. Between her and my dad they have been so randomly sick this year it has not been easy to get over there even though they live 5 min away!
Well, I thought i’d write more, but I guess we are lucky I wrote what I have. I’ll try to get back over here sooner than later and see what I can say. right now, I have to get ready to dodge the lawn care idiots here at the apt place (seriously if I can reach out and touch you or your lawn equipment you might be too close?) so that I can get Luna and Marley out- but if they are super close I wont even worry really… the gals are asleep. Other than that I plan to make my bed, clean sams box and ???