Hey Everyone
Well, I’m currently sitting here waiting for a call from the eye dr office- I can pretty well tell my eye isn’t at 100% and I figure trying to go to my apt tomorrow to make glasses would end up being a moot point- and that they will try to stick the visit as medical – and even though a follow up – they would try to charge me and I’m tapped on that note. Also, I am sick of having to go every week you know? If I went tomorrow, had to go back next week and then have to go back to pick up glasses.. *sigh* Plus, i get so freaking nervous before I go… I figure that this is like when you download something. You get to the last 15 percent and it slows down lol. let’s just say my right eye has always been my weak eye. If I cover my right eye and look at something, and then do the same with the left- my right eye is stronger by a good margin…
The girl said that she would check and then call me back and possibly get me some more drops … I have been super sparing with mine this go around, but I won’t hesitate to get some more because.. I am super freaking paranoid that this could happen to me again. There is an off chance it is something viral…ugh!
It has been super crazy for sure. and I keep randomly running into the people doing lawn care outside and it freaks me out even in sunglasses – They will literally get right on top of you to do whatever it is they do..
I am hoping that whatever apt I get it can be SUPER early because I am so nervous i just literally walk the floor all day until time to go..
I have so much random stuff I have to do.. I have to figure out when they think they might come fix these 2 stupid things they found on apt inspection (pin in the door and sink stopper) – I know they said they would call before they came but i’m just going to say hey put me at the bottom of your list so I can get some things done you know?
I also forgot that David won’t get paid on time this week (Likely) because Monday was a holiday. Not a big deal -i’ve pretty well got our menu ready through the weekend then I’m going to go over to my moms and make ALL THE SALADS next week. I just a few small things and stuff for like regular salad/sandwiches and what not.. I was hopeful to do that Monday of next week actually.. this is our menu so far
Today: Lettuce wraps (copy cat pf chang ones)
Wed: Chicken Lo Mein
Thurs : Wings (the burger place across the road has wing night now and they are AWESOME and CHEAP!!)
Friday: ??? not sure yet…
Saturday : Hot Dog from the fancy place that has hot dogs (chicago dog YUM)
Sunday: Steak Ems
Then the next week should be sandwiches, salads (regular, pasta, mediteranian, potato, egg, chicken)
This likely the week I am going to spend out all my CVS extra bucks as well- I’m kinda “out” on couponing there for a while. I’m good on make up , household and shampoo and such … I probably will use what I have on snacks/drinks. I have $20 in gift cards there so it would be super easy to start up again when I want. Plus, it is getting time for my mom to be doing honey and berries and what not so.. yeah. I mean If David wanted to I would totally go one evening if he wanted to go to. That or i’ll go Thursday with my mom I guess- my bucks expire that day.. I just haven’t found a way that interests me to roll them/turn them around so I guess it is time to take a break.
I got up and got a pretty well amount of things done today- mostly in the clothes washing and such dept. I actually changed sheets on the bed and everything- but then I realized David had stuff in the washer and dryer so it kind of slowed me up and I have to go check on all that again.. Viscous cycle lol. I also cleaned out the fridge a bit and washed the dishes – need to put them up and clean a few random things that can’t go in the dishwasher. I also cut up some peppers I had left – I wanted to get them put up before they went bad – even though really I only have enough for the lo mein tomorrow…
The weekend was good- It just didn’t seem long enough- I know that Saturday we lucked out and David didn’t have to do a half day … then he had the extra day but .. with everything that has been going on it just seems like everything has blurred together.
I was thinking back though and it does seem that May has tended to not be a good month for my family. My grandpa had his first stroke/heartattack back in 2002… Then my cousin Keith had his rare blood disorder in may 2003 and also died that year in May on the 13th. My grandpa of course also just died .. and now this eye thing for me. I am really looking forward to June because of a fresh month + my & david’s 12th anniversary. I know that on the 22nd of June 7 years ago was my big drama thing but it all turned out well so 🙂
I know this is a long post but I just have so many thoughts it seems. I just want things with my eye to calm down/ things to calm down in general. I am longing for days of watching Another world and reading! I miss reading SO much- at least I have got to where the tv doesn’t really bother me anymore.. baby steps right?
Well, I might write another post later- I need to get off and go continue the laundry cycle and then ??? I’ll prob watch some tv and take a nap with a fur babe or 2 with the fan on! It has been like 90+ since late last week . .. actually I changed to a super light bedspread today as well…that and David having stuff in the washer and dryer is why i’m held up on that end lol…
later gators