Hey Everyone
Well… It is Saturday about 11:20 a/m and i’m just waiting for David to get off of work and then we are heading to my moms for tasty vittles (that means food if you didn’t know lol) We are having porterhouse steaks & assorted veggies (homemade mashed potatoes and such) I’m already ready to go even though my skin decided to take a major breakout this morning. I have it covered up with some concealer and i’ve cleaned the heck out of it beforehand. I hate having to wear the concealer because i know it isn’t a good thing for it but I’m not going out of the house with red bumps blaring! it has actually calmed down quite a bit but ugh it was doing SO SO good. … hopefully it will go back the other way.
I gave my mom my old iphone because she was fussing about her phone acting up , but I don’t think she is going to use it , so I think i’m going to snag it back and sell it in the Eco Atm thing. I can use the money to get some drinks and the stuff for my french dip sandwiches I suppose.
I already took Marley out once because she likes to play me like a cheap violin. If I don’t take her out by 10 she will act like she’s going to burst into a pee puddle but with David she just sits and acts like oh whenver you have a chance you can take me out human? I will have to take her again before we leave but it was better to just go ahead and not risk it.
I know walmart is supposedly wiped as of yesterday evening. Basically I need HOAGIE rolls and that will prob be where I have a problem.. .but Publix might have them hopefully ? if Not i’ll just have to make soup or something tomorrow… I really only need walmart for the eco atm and yeah.. I can wait if I have to I guess.. the only thing else I need for the sandwiches are like 3 cans of soup (french onion and consomme) I just happened to think OH SNAP on the bread part. Stupid people act like they never seen snow. IT IS SNOW. now if it was ICE I could understand. You can’t drive in that mess. Snow is.. SNOW.. *sigh* *breathe* even my silly self can drive in Snow. I prefer it over rain if you want to know the truth.
I Had hoped to shave this morning but honestly .. I just don’t care lol. I might do it this evening or tomorrow .. we’ll see. I am waiting impatiently for part 2 of a book I read a few months back to come out- it got delayed and all i know is it is supposed to come out this weekend and I’m stalking Amazon to death for it!
Well.. I just wanted to write a few lines while I had a minute. .. later gators!