Hey Everyone
Well, I know I was doing well with updating and this week has been crickets but I have 2 good reasons!
1. I had a migraine Tuesday and it has pretty well wiped me out. I spent yesterday with what I call a migraine hangover!
2. as far as coupons go, I haven’t really looked at a whole lot for this week and I haven’t even got to go couponing yet! I hate it because I generally go so early in the week, but my mom had wanted to wait till today to go – which was fine ,but I missed a delivery of a review package yesterday and I don’t want to miss it again because it requires a direct signature! so we won’t be going until tomorrow- unless they come early enough and I can get out early on
I am trying to get up and going and get into a million things this morning. That is where I was on Tuesday morning before the migraine hit! I was actually working on that patio closet- I had started Monday afternoon- I cleaned some in my closet – in the cubbies and had that all cleaned up for all the clothes that I found that I had forgotten about that have been trapped in that closet forever. I was actually going through some of my stuff that I know longer use that was out there and some of it was super old and it got threw away , and then some of it I am donating to my great aunt who lost everything in a fire a few weeks back.
Anyways, I was back at that tuesday morning- I had gotten up and just hit the ground running- had already made the bed , loaded the dishwasher, took out the dog and a few other random things and was drinking some coffee. I was in the extra bedroom/office going thru some stuff and kept feeling weird. Actually though, you have to back that back up until Monday afternoon when I had a little tiny headache and a weird feeling that I thought might be a migraine. I actually ended up taking an advil late that evening.
THEN I woke up Tuesday morning around 4 a/m and was like o.k I don’t feel right. I felt like.. I had a super ton to drink before bed(and if you want to talk crap about my drinking, go ahead lol I don’t drink 90% of what I used to drink lol i’m too old for that crap!) and I knew it wasn’t because it was of the fact that I had a huge amount to drink or that I went to bed too late or that it was that time of the morning, I just knew something was off-
So when I finally got up I just thought HEY, I will drink coffee and it will be o.k. Well I was drinking the coffee and had this weird pressure in my head.. my tummy was mad and I would have a twinge over my left eye and in my right ear and all of a sudden i was like OMG i’m gonna be sick and ran in here to be sick and then after that..I pretty much got really cold and had to just sleep for most of the day!
So… Here is to today. I’m gonna try to get a paid post worked on at some point, maybe the gift guide post and we’ll just have to see.
Later gators!