hey everyone
well.. I thought I would take a minute and say hi on this dreary fall tuesday. Now granted my website is called autumn-rain but there is only so much of this I can handle lol. I guess if the time had not changed it wouldn’t be quite so bad. Usually when the time changes I seem to adapt a little easier but this year my body is like NO. I was like oh of course the last 2 weeks we had of decent time I had to be dying with an migraine/ear infection and couldn’t even hardly get out with mars you know? I’m glad that is all over with and i’m just back to the general boredom/lazy/ regular me that I am used to 🙂 I still find it amazing that ever since the time changed we have had like 1 day that had sun, and that is it!
Tonight i’m making Salisbury steaks in the crock pot and come to find out I don’t have any mushrooms. I mean I don’t really like Mushrooms anyways- except cremini ones which I hardly ever have and these are just rinky dink mushrooms in a can i’m missing but I just know David will notice that they are missing. That and I’m going to make sliced potatoes instead of mashed lol oh well.. I am hoping tomorrow evening maybe we can grab some Japanese
I havent been tanning since the week BEFORE I got sick. I am fading out fast and I really need to get back to it and get tanned up before Thanksgiving (which in my family is translating to the saturday after thanksgiving the last I heard- and I might not even go it just depends on weather and what not) I am going to see when Heather is working next week and then I know she can help me get some color back and not get me burnt up in the process. I need some new lotion but I’m pretty sure Designer Skins new lotions for 2019 should be out any day now.. and Ialways buy my lotion off of her too so she gets the commission
. Oh, and sometimes we trade some of my coupon stuff and that works out well too. I would say I’d go today but .. rain. dark. don’t want to. I figure i’ll get back into it this weekend/next week because David is going to be off next week (taking vacaton)and I will get to go in the day- after that maybe I can go one week night and one day on the weekend or something and keep it going .. I almost would do a mystic because I can because they are included in my membership but I don’t feel like having to maintain it for very long either ..
Right now i’m getting ready to grab some coffee and take out Mars before the rain starts back up- then I have to get the bed made and finish dinner. I might get to clean something in my closet like I keep saying but I keep getting into other things so.. I just keep saying well … You can’t do everything every day ha ha
Oh and you know how I wrote about us possibly moving in the spring- because David talks about it like all the time? Well I said something about it the very day I wrote that post and he said moving where? where we going to go? and I was like right, like I keep saying lol 😉
later gators!