One thing I have missed in the last couple months are my trips to the thrift shops, such as going to habitat and especially Christian Ministries- Those are pretty well my favorites because I find more things there than anywhere else and they are also fairly close to the house and everything – and I have always been a thrift shop and yardsale sort of girl. I know that most people have this general idea that as an only child that I am super spoiled and all this but really with coupon items, thrift shop goodies and yardsale stuff I really don’t understand how spoiled that can make me ha ha. Also? It helps with being a bit more sustainable – which reminds me I actually tried some veggie bacon last week and It was NOT BAD AT ALL (I am a super weird child, I don’t eat pork) and that goes along with being sustainable as well- you can find out more about that sort of thing if you click here
David has been wanting to get a new recliner again, but with having Sam he doesn’t want to because we know Sam will likely tear it all to smidgens- and like I say none of our furniture or even appliances have ever been bought new- I mean the only brand new thing I know we have gotten was the deep freezer – and I’m not even sure how that worked out! This wanting a new chair thing started up when we went to try to get his dad one, and a long story short- they ended up not getting one- and then for days I had to hear all about wanting a new chair.. I finally got him off of wanting one because he pretty well knew it wasn’t worth it, but since he is always gaming I thought maybe something like they have on because that way it could be moved into the other room easily when we aren’t home / it isn’t in use and everything! I’m in the mood to redo about everything in the house as it is anyways- I think it is because I am home so darn much- I get sick of looking at stuff for very long!
Lately I can’t believe all the random things that I am interested in – I mean I know you all know I’m always reading and coloring and watching game shows , but I also love different sorts of random stats and figures and the like- I think if I ever had my own company or maybe a job other than blogging (see , I guess in some ways I do consider my blog a job- but not on a heightened crazy level like some people do- that kind of gets on my nerves in a way that I can’t even begin to explain!) I think because mine is more of a hobby and i’m not making a living on it- Anyways, I would probably look into the types of services that you can get from the folks at
Yes, I am all kinds of random again- like normal- so i’m trying to go with it while it lasts 🙂