If you know me even barley, or you have read the blog for very long at all you probably know that I am a huge fan of wine! I think it is even in some of my social media bios- something along the lines of “loves headbands with big flowers and wine.. .because who doesn’t love wine! ” Wine is just my favorite way, other than lavender tea to kind of relax- well I mean if you pair that in with any combo of a bubble bath/massage and reading or coloring.. it is just super good stuff you know? With me it has just always came into me having a night time /bed time routine and if I can stick to any sort of combo of that I sleep super awesome and it is just good all around. I know that wine just seems to be my best option when it comes to alcohol – and then I can remember when I used to be able to knock out on a wine cooler- we just call those the good old days you know? If I get a low pressure system and some rain and drink some read wine it is like heaven when I sleep! I know that I kind of stick to the same ole , same ole but I might mix it up one day and check out https://www.nakedwinery.com
When it comes to coffee though, I have to be super careful because I have some kind of weird random caffeine sensitivity that I don’t even really know what is about! I used to not.. I used to be able to guzzle even energy drinks or just straight up black coffee without a thought in the world but now.. HA no no no. I mostly have to go with a sugar buzz! I can do instant coffee in small amounts and soda and all that but I know that the last 3 time I had a fancy coffee drink I ended up throwing up horribly before I barely got down the road so I have to be super careful.. I know that even one time I had something similar to the kind of coffee you would get at https://natescoffee.com
I got pretty jittery and crashed !
One thing I guess I haven’t had to worry about with my little bit of blogging and things related online is about how to accept payments online – I mean I have had the horrible experience of not getting paid for work that I have done about 3 times to the tune of a couple hundred bucks a pop- blog posts have been written about this before- that is why it is always a good idea to get a least half of the money up front and not trust people no matter who in the world it is because I am telling you I have had 2 of the 3 times been people that I would actually have considered to be legit friends.. and in one instance I had gotten paid before and even had met this girl in person! It is good though to have various options to help with these things!