I am super excited to say that after a really long time that I am bringing you all a review! With so many things going on in the past several years including blog/review burnout, my mom and dads wreck, COVID, and more, things on the review front have basically been at a stand still! I still didn’t manage to get enough to do a holiday gift guide, but I’m OK with that- one item here and there works for me 🙂
As Usual, A little bit of “history”
A few years ago I started seeing some ads on youtube for the blendjet 2 and they were absolutely mesmerizing! I had gotten an regular blender to review (that I still have, and love) but I do have a smaller kitchen and my counter space is pretty well limited/taken up, and I have to keep it in the depths of my cabinet. One of the most frequent times that I use a blender is for smoothies, especially strawberry ones when I have female times- and let me tell you getting down in the floor to dig in the depths of my cabinet for that at that time- not fun AT ALL.
So, I talked David into getting me a blendjet 2. I ended up getting a Mint colored one (which to me is more a turquoise color) because at the time they were super sold out and since they were out of pink I said that the Mint one would go with my kitchen (I have pioneer woman, and most everything leans to that sort of color scheme) I also got the original blendjet recipe book and I was SUPER excited.
Oh, a good place to put that I am always SO obsessed with kitchen goodies! My entire Christmas was basically kitchen goodies this year (a new ninja possible cooker pro, a stand mixer and a bread maker!) I also have small obsession with cookbooks 🙂
A Lisa Frank Version is Available & A New Book? Yes, Please!
Early last year, I heard that they were going to be making a Lisa Frank blendjet 2 and I was OBSESSED! I have often thought about getting a 2nd one (probably at that point the Pink one of course!) Do you know how much Lisa Frank stuff I had growing up? I couldn’t even name everything, but I am pretty sure I still have beads that were part of a huge set that I had gotten to make bracelets/necklaces with, and somewhere there is a jumbo sticker book that I was using the stickers for letters when David and I were dating (15 1/2 years ago) (they probably wouldn’t even stick at this point right? ) That is on top of all the folders, notebooks and whatever the heck else 🙂
There are 3 different versions, and I have to say trying to pic from them was super hard. I finally picked the tie-dyed one because it honestly reminded me of an old windows 98 theme that had a screen saver that would swirl the screen.
Then I saw that they were going to have a new recipe book. Now, I am as I already mentioned lo key obsessed with cookbooks so it was a given that at some point I would def. have this added to my collection! Heck, they aren’t even mixed in with my regular cook books- they are in a special little mini section on my rolly cart. Now this could be in part because they are more for my blender, or because my cookbook shelf legit has no more room- even though I can name at least 4 more cookbooks I plan to pick up at some point, let alone what I may run across randomly!
I also had noticed they had the 32 oz base, which I was thinking would be cool if David and I were to say want a smoothie at the same time or something like that- or if I maybe wanted a little extra of whatever for later!
Oh, The Things you can make (not just smoothies, y’all)
You can make so much more than smoothies! I have saw everything from salad dressings, mocktails , adult beverages and even face masks (you know, the old fashioned kind for your skin) I have used mine to blend up apothekary blends like stop your wine-ing (their stuff is all natural and is kind of not easy to mix) the possibilities are endless!
A little “secret” that I didn’t know at first:
You can actually drink out of the actual blendjet without the blade in it- it will turn into a cup! You turn it upside down with the lid on (make sure its tight!) and then you can unscrew the base!
So what do I really think?
I love it. That is why I always wanted another. That and the fact David wanted my original one to take to work for smoothies originally when he was on a healthy kick and needed it to blend his Kachava with! I also like that you can use it wherever you may be and that it is super duper easy to clean up! All you have to do is put some soap and water in and hit the button and then rinse it out!
I know that some people say you can’t crush Ice in it- and i’ve never tried it, but I have used totally frozen fruits for my smoothies before with out too much difficulty- you just kind of have to eyeball it and you eventually know how much to put without causing a snag!
So, if you have a need for a blender, and one that is cute as can be and can be used anywhere I totally recommend you pick up a blendjet 2!