I had never really heard of Legends in Concert before I started working on things to do while we were in Myrtle Beach, but it seems like ever since I got in touch with them, it has popped up quite a bit in my world, including watching an episode of Roseanne!
This is another awesome thing that a really awesome PR gal that helped me with getting TIGERS (myrtle beach safari)and the restaurants that I am doing reviews for.She happens to be best friends with the owner of the Myrtle Beach Legends in concert. I am so grateful because other than getting the hotel to start with I didn’t have a clue in the world what else for us to actually DO while we were there or anything like that! A lot of that was because I hadn’t been to the beach in so long, and then the things I was coming up with were some of those dead ends and mean NO’s!
When I first had the chance to go to Legends in Concert I wasn’t really sure if it was something for David and myself because.. well.. David and I like TOTALLY different music for the most part. I do tend to gravitate towards older music of all sorts of varities and I do have a few things that are more modern that I like.. but David is more into HARD stuff like rock and metal and rap!
When I asked David about it, He said it wasn’t something he would have came up with on his own (well obviously ha ha) but that he would rather that we go and check it out, than to be sitting around at the hotel or whatever wishing that we had said yes and I agreed with that. I wasn’t sure on my end because I was like I don’t know about tribute singers- I just had never really experienced that before!
Let me go ahead and say that the folks that preform there are SO much more than tribute singers- they fully immerse themselves into the artist that they are portraying in every way that you can imagine including their looks and actions as well as their singing! They actually play videos and such of the actual artists while they are singing and it is like dead spot on!
Legends in Concert changes their line up 4 times a year and the line up that we went to see actually ends November 2nd! We got to experience Jerry Lee Lewis, The 4 Tops, Garth Brooks, Rod Stewart(We were supposed to have Barbara Streissand but something had happened- I made the joke that I was like Fran on the Nanny- I came so close to seeing Barbara! ) and Elvis.I totally admit though that I didn’t think I knew any Jerry Lee Lewis or 4 tops until they started singing and I was like OH YEAH I KNOW THIS!
I actually watched a Facebook Live that they did about a week or so before I went so I could get a better feel for everything and I was pretty excited(even more than before)after that to be able to get to go experience it myself !
Our Elvis was a FAMOUS Elvis impersonator named Ryan Pelton, and you should def. go check him out! He had just came back not long before our trip for a short engagement and I am excited that he was who we got to see! He was there before the show and was really friendly and personable! We also had our picture made with him and I never ever buy pictures from places but I did this time! Mostly because it was a pretty good picture, I really wanted a sovenir and for $20 it was worth it! Oh and he signed it too so that was awesome 🙂
Also, we did this on Tuesday on our trip and this just happened to be the day I had the all day panic attack/nerves/whatever it was and I literally had to push myself to be able to go to this- Actually, it ended up helping me out because I had something else to concentrate on 🙂 I can remember sitting there and my breathing and heart rate going back to normal! The only thing that sucked was were at the end of our row and we had to get up and down a few times and I was a bit wobbly- I kept saying i was one of those weebles that wobble and don’t fall down! If I had felt better I would have def. took advantage of the snack bar and got an adult drink! There is always next time though 🙂
The night we went to Legends there were at least 4 bus loads of older folks and I think we might have quite possibly been the youngest people there! If you remember when I wrote for valentines day david and I were also the youngest folks at our restaurant lol so it is all good! The folks that we were in the middle of were from Michigan and they had road their bus for 2 days to get there! They were so fun! They even loved my “accent’ because apparently I have been told I have one , but I don’t think I do!
To start out with we got Jerry Lee Lewis and it was awesome! That guy could do some amazing stuff- I mean he was playing the piano in all sorts of ways that were crazy – like I said I don’t know a whole lot about Jerry Lee Lewis except a few things i’ve looked up but – this dude was a great start because it really set the tone and I was like yeah this is really cool and I like this
Now I did take a few pics of each act- but I tried to just really pay attention because I didn’t want to be THAT person that spends more time taking pics than enjoying myself. SO… here are the ones for Jerry that I took!
Next up we had Garth Brooks and I am actually a pretty big Garth fan- I have pretty much all of his box sets and I can even remember having cassette tapes of him when I was a young girl- and those big concerts he used to do on TV on Friday nights sometimes- I remember watching one at my grandmas at one point when we had went to visit! He was really good and did several songs. I remember most that he did “the thunder rolls” which is one of my favorites- They even were showing the actually showing the video to it while he was playing and i’m like sitting there telling David hey that video was the one that was banned – and you hardly EVER see it- of course there is an extra verse in that song too but we didn’t get into that 🙂
After that we had The Four Tops,and as soon as they started singing stuff I knew who they were! I made it relevant to David because I was like you know- the music on American Dreams ? lol. I actually really have always liked that song I can’t help myself- even though I don’t think it might have been just their song- I think back in the day a lot of people cut the same songs a lot- because I know that the song “how do i live” was sung even in my day by trisha yearwood and leann rimes so.. there you go!
After The Four tops, We had Rod Stewart and that was pretty cool. As soon as we had gotten there and I found out it was him instead of barbara David was like what does he sing? and I was like that song about if you think i’m sexy? and he’s like OH OK lol. I am telling you though, I probably know more “older” stuff than most people my age but that is because I listened generally to whatever my mom listened to- and then when I was working we always listened to oldies stuff.
We had a quick intermission and then we had ELVIS! Now I have to admit I was most looking forward to the Elvis part – I have always liked Elvis and it was fun to get my picture took and signed by him and I even told him about my aunt Joni who is a huge Elvis fan- she actually sleeps with a poster of elvis over her bed and my uncle jokes all the time about how he sleeps with Elvis every night. Also, my little cousin Jake when he was a little fellow- well we had went somewhere in my car and he was like don’t you have some ELVIE (he had that IE thing on everything when he was little)we can listen to in this car?
All of the performers were very interactive with the crowd, we had people get up and dance and everything! The band was awesome as well as the dancers! I have to say I was more impressed than I had thought I would be with Legends In Concert Myrtle Beach than I thought I would be originally, and David even enjoyed it and I figured he’d be trying to sleep or something. I know that our show went a bit over 2 hours and I know that I am sold on the experience now and I hope to be able to go again in the future! I love that next time around it will be 5 new acts too!