Most of you have probably talked to me or at least explored the site enough to know that I Once Upon A Time had Hpv & Cervical cancer. This all took place back in 2007, but by the end of 2007 I was clear of everything. The most awesome thing was I was even clear of all of the HPV “markers” which hardly ever happens! It was most def. a christmas present to remember (I had my last surgery in november and got the call in mid december).
My Dr. who is one of the top 50 obgyn’s in the country was awesome and she knew all along that I wanted children,so she did everything she could to ensure that I would be able to have them someday. I was never told that I couldn’t have any, but I still haven’t been lucky enough to get pregnant yet.Not that long ago I did take a over the counter fertility test that showed that, according to it, I should be able to get pregnant.
For some reason lately I have been extra in the mood for a baby. I guess you could call it HIGH BABY FEVER. Even my mom and grandma have been really persistent lately. I am absolutely determined to get pregnant this year! I had hoped to be pregnant by the time I was 25, and i’m turning 28 this year! Plus, I just want a baby so bad it hurts!That is why when I got the chance to get to try Fertibella from I was on cloud 9!
So what do you get in your trying to conceive(TTC ) kit? You get 2 months of supplements. You also get a bonus gift that you can choose from 3 options! you can choose from 10 bonus pregnancy tests, 10 bonusovulation tests, or 10 of each. I chose the 10 of each option!
The TTC kit is designed to help with 7 common reasons that women have trouble getting pregnant including, your menstrual cycle,luteal phase,progesterone,cervical mucus,ovulatory dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, and elevated FSH levels.
I seriously didn’t realize that there were so many things that could go on in your body to hinder your ability to get pregnant!
I started taking mine on January 2nd, and well, i’m working my hardest on getting pregnant! I hope that this year will be my lucky year. I have to say I have been feeling some twinges in my ovaries, so I’m hoping that this is a sign of things to come 🙂
The trying to concieve kit retails for 39.95, and the bonus gifts aren’t always available. Right now you can try it for the price of shipping! Also, I am going to be doing a giveaway for this item! check out the giveaway which will be going live and topped to the top of the site here in a bit (link to follow) It will be a giveaway through rafflecopter so it will be a snap to enter!
I am really greatful to have had the opp. to review and giveaway one of these kits! They have very quick and friendly service to boot!
I was compensated & received this product in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions