So in the last several months (I think maybe since around Mothers day or so) my skin has decided to let me relive my youth so to speak- I have been plagued with white heads and blackheads- mainly on my face! Honestly, I really only had a few of them here and there /on my face when I was a teenager and most of them were blackheads- lets fast forward oh ..15ish years right? For some reason I have been cursed with them! Mostly whiteheads- and I mean they appeared as if from nowhere! I tried to just keep them covered up for the most part – I know, I know, you have to use special concealers and such for that , but I have just been using what I had all along. I just figured it would eventually just.. work its self out you know? I actually don’t wear a lot of make up AT ALL- like HARDLY ever so I was pretty sure that wasn’t the root of my problem. I actually don’t know if there was a root but- it has been “fun” to deal with!
Well, fast forward into the early summer months and I was still not having any luck- even worse you all know I have every food allergy known to man- and some of them aren’t so bad- like edamame which is like every t.v meal that I love -and I do love it- but it doesn’t love me back- It makes me break out. ON MY FACE. So I have been battling the acne and trying to limit my edamame especially because of the acne- I mean it isn’t like I need any help with breaking out apparently lol. I got to where I only try to conceal things when I went out somewhere with my mom or whatever…which was pretty limited because she was busy with selling honey and gardening and what not!
I thought that would help, but it really didn’t. Then I got some random things from my mom to use for acne-different face washes and witch hazel and what not – they helped but not a whole lot..and you’ll find out if something is new for me it will take me forever to get in the habit of using it – so that could have a lot to do with that!
Around this time David tried to order me a popular brand of skin products that I know you have heard of, but since this is a review for a different brand, I won’t mention who. Let me just say I kept wondering when things were going to come- especially since as far as I could tell they actually ship out of the same state I live in. Come to find out about a week later- They wouldn’t send it because it was subscription based (even though we had planned to cancel after getting the first batch) You had to have double the amount in your bank account- and of course David didn’t have that especially since it was like one of the last things he ordered /paid for with that particular check. The weird thing is we never knew that, and we didn’t even get a cancellation notice until after the fact and finally got the money back.
I had a few blogging friends that had reviewed for a few different products that were related to acne, so I decided to reach out to the folks at Kamedis especially so, because their items are made out of natural goodies- and I try to go the natural route when it comes to a ton of things, especially when it comes to skin stuff because I do actually have quite sensitive skin ( don’t even ask me how I can go tanning because I can’t explain it- I have only found one tanning lotion that I was allergic to and that was earlier this year which was crazy as many as I have used. Usually tanning seems to help my skin even- but not the whitehead situation apparently . 🙂 )
The founder of Kamedis actually traveled all over to learn traditional Chinese Medicine, and then she took it to the western worlds labs to verify and do clinical trials! This way you get the best of both worlds! They also support the farmers and communities where the botanicals come from – which to me is always something that I really respect! They are cruelty free, clinically proven, dermatologist recommended and there is a 60 day money back guarantee!
Kamedis was nice enough to send me over their Kamedis Acne Kit which contains 3 super awesome natural based products to help with the issue at hand! I also have to say it is SUPER affordable ($32) and you don’t have to have a subscription either! Oh, and you can use it for redness (which is something I sometimes have) and oily skin (which really isn’t a problem for me, but I like that you can use it for several different reasons! The primary ingredient in the acne kit is Purslane (Portulaca oleracea), a natural anti-oxidant and moisturizer. You can find out more about it, and the other botanicals that they use in not only the Acne products but their other products here- Kamedis Ingredients/Botanicals information
Something else that is really neat that you will notice when you use the products are that they are NOT white cream looking products- There is color there instead – like greens, sapphires and honey because of the natural botanicals that are used and how concentrate that they are!
The 3 products that I received (and a little about each & how to use ) are:
Kamedis Acne Face Cleanser Of course, the first step to trying to combat acne is to keep your skin clean! This is a foaming cleanser that is oil free and cleanses without drying out the skin. You start out with this product and simply wet your face with warm water and apply in circular motion & pat dry
Kamedis Acne Face Moisturizer This helps do several things- not only help with moisturizing but it helpsBalance sebum production, clear up oily skin and acne and helps with preventing reoccurrence. You use this after the face cleanser and you simply apply a moderate amount in the same circular motions
Kamedis Acne Spot Treatment The 3rd/Optional step. You can use this at any point for those annoying whiteheads that have already arrived on the scene. I did tend to use mine right after the moisturizer that way I just got it all done at one time, but I have grabbed the tube a few times to put it on without using the others 🙂
I totally sucked about using this daily, I will admit. I was/and still am pretty intermittent..but I def. noticed lots of improvement and even at times totally had/ have had totally clear or nearly clear skin! You can use it up to 3 times a day, but you should start out with one time a day because it can cause excessive dryness. You can also use it every other day if you experience this. I am hoping to get more in the habit of using it, but as I write this my skin is pretty well clear and I have used it pretty regularly this week! One thing that is really neat- if you do have a breakout you can use it and see results in as little as 12 hours. Sometimes I have known that I am going somewhere in the evening so I get up and do this in the morning when david leaves for work and it really helps by the time he gets home (considering he leaves at 5:30 and gets home at 6/pm most days!)
If you or a loved one is having acne issues- even if you aren’t an adult- as long as the person is 10 or older, I think that Kamedis is worth a try- especially with their 60 day money back guarantee!