My favorite things to review as far as things that aren’t specifically for me, are those that are for my fur babes Marley & Sam. Of course, with Marley being a dog it seems like she gets a lot more than Sam does + there are all these nifty things for travel when it comes to a dog- and Marley does like to travel! She often travels to my grandparents which is about 5 hours away (I say 5 but usually it’s around 4 1/2 hours depending on who is driving/traffic/stops and all of that. A lot of times we do a double duty trip= there and back in the same day too. The last time we did it we traveled with my mom and dad and David & Myself slept the whole way home, but Marley sat straight up in the middle and stared out the windshield lol.
I love to go to my grandparents, and other places but I have horrible travel anxiety. I am talking about if there is any tiny thing that I can worry about beforehand and talk myself out of going I won’t go- but that is a total other story. I am talking I will worry about leaving sam, how if something crazy happens while we are gone or forgetting something important as well. Though.. none of these things have ever happened. The only thing that helps with that usually is making lists .. and I mean VERY detailed
Of course, Traveling with Marley means we have to pack a few extra things – including food, bags , water , blanket, toys.. since I don’t have a human baby , I just look at it like i’m taking stuff for my kid 🙂 When I found out there was a way to compact some of this down into one easy to carry item, I knew I had to see if I could get it to review, and I was happy when I got a YES from My Pet Pail! I had saw it show up on Facebook and it was SO SO Stinkin’ cute I had to find out more!
What is My Pet Pail? Well in short it helps with keeping up with about 90% of the things that I need when I travel with her (because I generally travel with a blanket anyways and then grabbing one of her toys isn’t such a big thing)Â This is the all in one way to keep up with food, water, a collar, a leash and even those waste bags! I know that in the past we have grabbed a small bag of food, tried to come up with a way to keep up with the collar and leash and bags when you are getting in and out of the car and it is just a big mess it seems, but this way.. it is all right there for you!
Let me get a little more detailed for you! In short it looks like a retro styled lunch box- and you can get it in several color choices. Of course, I tend to go towards pink so we went with the gray and pink option (I totally wish the colors were reversed and it was more pink than grey , but it isn’t a big deal 🙂 )
There are all kinds of things included in My Pet Pail – first off there is a shoulder strap that is also a leash, and a handle which is also a collar. All I would have to do is put Marley’s tags on there and she’d be good to go (which reminds me she needs an updated one for her actual name tag/info tag- and she doesn’t usually wear her tags except when we go some where) There is also a hole in the back where you can just grab a doggie bag when you need it and not have to hunt all over the car for them, or even open the pail up!
Also included is storage area for containers of wet food, and a SPIFE – which is this awesome spoon/plastic knife combo that you can use for your wet food as well. Then you have 2 20oz containers inside which you could use for food and water (I know for us we always have to give Marley a lot more water than normal when we travel, because she tends to do this “licky thing” where she smacks her mouth a lot and i’m not really sure what the deal with that is. She usually only does that right before she throws up -but she doesn’t throw up when she does it when we travel.. She has never gotten sick at all when traveling so.. go figure. I know that we actually stopped and bought her a bowl one time when we were traveling and it is actually in the back seat in my dads truck still) I have even had to stop to get water for her before and try to get a cup to put it in and it just doesn’t work out so well.. but.. wait for it.. this where it gets good…
My Pet Pail has a built in bowl system! This way it is easier for your fur baby to eat and drink and you aren’t having to get all inventive and make them drink from a cup or something like that! This all sounds great right? Like you fur baby has all of this + a way to eat that they are used to … IT GETS EVEN BETTER! The bowl can be used at home as well if you just detach it, you can use it at home as your main food bowl if you want to! The bowls are really cool because there are removable ones that you can use as is, or take them out if you need to- and then underneath there are built in bowls that are a bit deeper.
3 handy pieces of advice to keep in mind –
1.Keep the my pet pail upright that way it will be less likely for leakage sure to make sure that you put the plastic piece on the inside snapped all the way shut (back over where the food /water bowls are) that way everything stays in place and doesn’t fall out
3. make sure that the lids on the storage containers face outwards
I am looking forward to being able to use My Pet Pail when we get to travel to my grandparents in November for Thanksgiving- I already know it is going to be so much easier to have everything right together in one spot and not have to be hunting for this and that when we stop (like leash/bags) and that everyone who has seen a picture of it has talked about how cute and nifty it is! I am looking forward to using it plenty more in the future! If you have a fur baby that you travel with, this is definitely an item that you might want to add to your collection to help simplify things!