Pills of some sort have seemingly been a part of my life since.. well .. a long time! I was on “the pill” to regulate my female stuff (I frequently skipped periods, bled for months on end and had horrible pain and such without them) since middle school! I did pretty good with remembering to take them all the years I was on them.
I have at many times been on allergy meds, st johns wort (oh remember those days?) and various other supplements but when it seems like you get more than one going and/or start something new it just gets a little more complicated to keep up with- or that could just be me- but I do know people that say the same thing!
As you all know allergy related Asthma has became part of my world with in the last year or so, and now I am on a regimen of Allegra that I have to take daily. I want to remember to take it more than anything because I don’t want to risk missing it and having an asthma attack even though I do have my inhaler! I think so far I have only missed it once *phew* I also want to start taking Vitamins and whatnot so when I got the chance to do a review for a nifty tool called the Style RX Designer Pill Box I was really excited. It couldn’t have came at a better time!
Now over the years I have been familiar with the existence of pill boxes of course- my mom has one and David had one when he was taking some of the meds he has taken in the past. You know what though? They are NOT pretty AT ALL .. most of them are clear and they are just MEH! I think my moms might be blue but it isn’t that exciting!
You know what else isn’t exciting about your normal run of the mill pill box? It practically shouts that it is pill box obviously! Then whoever is around at your house or wherever you might happen to have can see it and be “nosey” about what it is you are taking and all that kind of thing. I think that is just about as bad as when you have mail laying around and people go through it!
The Style RX is from Inspired by Dawn and it is available in 2 really pretty patterns! The two patterns to choose from include a pink and green and a black(or it might be a dark blue) and white one! I of course got the pink and green one (I am sure you knew that by now!) I really liked the black and white one too though!
I always like when something is PRETTY , PRACTICAL and has a great PURPOSE and that is exactly what you get with Inspired By Dawn Style RX! I Like when someone can take something as common and boring as a pill box and punch it up a bit! It kind of reminds me of something like my mom does since she’s all so crafty and creative and all that good stuff and of course I am not.
The Style RX is made into two pieces! The pretty stylish part that makes it unique, obviously and is covered all in pretty fabric with an inspired by Dawn label- keeps it pretty and discreet. This part is CRAZY sturdy, it is made out of canvas and can be wiped ,and it is very durable. This is so you can keep it in your purse or laptop bag for easy access and not have to worry about wear and tear! This part has a magnetic closure as well (hidden) that helps give you an extra protection to make sure that it doesn’t come open and all that good stuff.
The inside is your standard looking pill box insert, which they do have available separately on the site in case you were to want to make your pill box more expandable or if you were to need an extra one as well. The Pill box portion is quite generous in its storage capacity and can hold up to 20 ibuprofen in one compartment! I think that this will be most handy for pretty much any meds I would want to put in there and be able to take in a days time.
The Style RX by Inspired by Dawn is a modern twist on a common item. It is pretty and functional and I can’t wait to enjoy mine for years to come and show it off to others too! I think that this would be a perfect gift for any woman who takes any sort of pill! I personally think my grandma and my mom would be really excited about getting one, and I might want to watch mine while I take and show it off at thanksgiving 🙂