A lot of women have a thing for shoes. My thing however has always been for purses! Sure I have a fair share of shoes laying about but I pretty well wear the same ones at all times. The only time I really switch is if I need to wear something out of the normal, or if the seasons change and I go from wearing flip flops to wearing tennis shoes or vice versa. I used to be a little more into changing shoes and whatnot but ever since I messed my ankles up, I just don’t really seem to be that into it anymore!
Purses though- Ever since I was 2 years old I don’t think I Have ever left the house without a purse (unless it was on purpose- for example when I used to go to work I used to just carry my ID and debit card and all that sort of thing that way I didn’t have to be worried that it was safe) except maybe one time and that was back when every Friday when I was going to school it seemed like they did a road check on my way back home and I was scared to death! Luckily, that didn’t happen and all was well.
I used to play some sort of game called Pocketbooks. Now, this was when I was very young so I can’t remember the concept very well…basically not at all but I figure it was probably me wanting to see what people had in their purses! I know that I played with my uncles girlfriends and that his girlfriend Tess was always the nicest one to play with me.. other than that I Have no idea.
Back when I was going to college I pretty well changed purses every Sunday night when I would be getting ready for the week and getting all my things back in order. Now- even though I have quite the collection of purses I can pretty well only get to a select few because they are in tubs and boxes and inside of other bags and purses! Sometimes I do a little better at switching at certain times because the newer ones get left kind of random places in the house like the closet in the hallway where I stow my DVD’s and books and well other assorted stuff 🙂 one of these days my dream is to have some sort of solution to store them better. ..and NO getting rid of them is NOT an option. I recently just fine tuned my collection but I’m pretty well keeping what I have at this point!
I recently had the chance to add a very gorgeous purse to my collection in exchange for review from 88 Handbags! Now I don’t usually get into why brands are called what they are called but in this case I am making an exception because it is pretty interesting where the 88 comes from! This is why it is 88: