A Note About Pictures: I didn’t use personal pictures on this review for the simple fact that every time I tried to take them they just didn’t look the way I wanted them to!
A while back I saw this awesome item showing up on Facebook with people posting how awesome it was and how neat it was. The first thought in my head – as usual, when I see something neat that I would like to have- is I wonder if they would work with a blogger in a review context? A long story short, and it took a little while to be arranged (which I am totally o.k with in case any other brands are looking- if you are on kickstarter or something? No worries, I’ll wait- I might follow up a lot- but I’ll wait!)
It’s Hot here in the south- a poeinent tale by Nichole (and introducing bFan!)
This particular item was the one and only bFan (you might have seen it when it was the original bedfan- same idea by the same folks, just improved upon) and I was beyond excited to be able to get it to review. I mean- it could NOT have came at a better time- we are starting to get those balmy summer southern days- even though we have been not really having SUNNY hot days- mostly ours are the muggy bathwater type of days so far- and well you all know how I am about heat. Oh, and the hotter I am the worse my sleep gets (and we all know I don’t need any help!)
I used to be able to sleep at night without even a fan- just the a/c and I was fine. I have never been a person that was able to sleep out from under the covers though…. it always just freaked me out! I have however, started having to sleep with a fan on- which most of the time It is kind of just set on medium, as not to get David too awful cold- because he does sleep out from the covers for the most part. You add in Sam and sometimes Marley (the fur babes) sleeping with us and most nights I am on FIRE and sweating buckets- and sometimes even when it is just me myself!
I have also went to less blankets on the bed, higher quality sheets, and even a more cool mattress (memory foam) Thankfully about all of these things have been goodies I have got to review (I have been saying Nichole’s Sleep is Sponsored by Autumn Rain Reviews lol)
All about bFan!
So, enough with the background- let’s get down to business and let me tell you about bFan! First of all I have to say – I LOVE that it is made in the USA! I mean- that is right up my alley for sure! I also love the concept in general- which probably goes without saying. I mean- I have always been a huge fan of an electric blanket when it is especially cold out/when I have slept alone in the past so I guess I really got excited about the concept of -why don’t they make something similar to help keep you cool- and I mean I know like I was saying you can use a regular fan- and I do- but it just isn’t quite what I was looking for!
Since the original bed fan came out 14 years they made some improvements in this bFan version and those include:
- Increased the stability with a balanced footing and lower center of gravity
- Increased the overall air flow
- Increased the fans total static pressure
- Made the fan much quieter and much stronger
Which Height Version Do You Need?
The most important thing you have to do when ordering your bFan is get the correct size- There is a short version (beds 19″ to 28″ ) and a tall version (28″-38″) it was simple even for me- I am not handy with measuring- at all.. to figure out that we needed the short one- you just measure from the top of the mattress to the floor!
Assembly & Installation
There was minimal assembly for the bedfan, and installing it wasn’t at all difficult either. I wanted to make a video of David setting it up but he did it so fast that I really didn’t have the chance! I am thinking in under 5 minutes this thing was out of the box, assembled and up and running! There weren’t any papers in the box but there is a really simple bFan Installation video that you can check out in case you aren’t really sure what to do!
Thoughts & Whatnot
When David set it up, the one thing I kept wondering was how do you control it? Is there a remote? Well.. There is a remote but it is not a wireless remote- it is attached – kind of like the control on an electric blanket , to give you an idea of what I mean. This was the only thing I was bummed about- and not really too awful much- it just doesn’t reach up our bed very far. I mean, it is what it is.. I was just hopeful it would be a wireless one. Then again, if you seen my collection of remotes well– maybe it is a good thing it is attached.
One thing you might be most curious about is- is it loud? Actually on the highest setting it isn’t anymore loud than my actual fan- which at times is running with the bFan- I like to make sure the fur babes are getting a bit of breeze even if they are laying on top of the covers!
I know that even on the low setting the bFan got me exceptionally cool and I actually prefer it on the lowest setting for the most part
David is enjoying it as well because we have kind of situated it in the middle of the foot of the bed so we can both enjoy it 🙂
My mom is VERY jealous of my bFan and my dad was like oh wow, if your mom had one of these I think i’d be better off lol. He swears she could have the window open with snow flying in and still be hot! She keeps thinking i’ll loose interest in it and let her have it like I do with other things, but I don’t think that will be happening!
If you can’t tell I am really enjoying my bFan and I’m looking forward to enjoying it for years to come!