I love when I get the chance to review something for my fur babes! I love those kind of things more than anything else – and you all know how I love my food and wine reviews! For some reason the pet reviews in my world are far and few between for some reason though! One thing that I had been looking for in particular for Marley ever since we got her was a car seat for her to be able to sit in when we are traveling- especially that 5 hour trip to my grandmas. Another reason is David is a neat freak so being able to contain her a little better in the car, and plus she really ends up sitting on my lap, this just seemed to be an awesome idea for us!
Generally we just tote her huge bed with us but that is not the easiest fit depending on if we are traveling with my parents and then it is David, Marley and Me in the back seat! Another thing? most of the pet car seats are really standard and not very appeasing to the eyes! A while back I came across the cutest little car seat that you could use as a bed and a carrier so I finally was able to get in touch and make a connection and was SO beyond happy that they wanted to work with me on a review!
The company is Mirage Pets and the item is their Snuggle Bug Pet Bed, Bag, and Car Seat in one! These are the absolute cutest of any car seat that I have came across, and even better you can use it for 3 different purposes. There are several colors and styles to choose from, and they even come with a pillow and little blanket as well! The one thing before I got mine was we weren’t 100% sure if because of Marley being a bit over the 16lbs that is suggested as the maximum weight. Marley is around 20 and likes to burrow so we decided to give it a go anyways!
As you all know my fur babes are like my real babes since so far I haven’t managed to have a human baby, so I always like to get them really cute and awesome things when I can because I can and because they mean so much to me. I spend most of my days at home of course so having Marley and Sam as my companions is a nice thing, and I wouldn’t know what I would do without them. Just because they aren’t human doesn’t make them any less special to me! I could totally see myself being a crazy pet lady at some point in the future- I think I am on the way to that now!
I picked the Rock Lobster color because it most closely matched our brand new 2016 Toyota Corolla that we just got (very red) It also reminds me of summer a little bit, and with the red and white and the lobsters its very “american” and “beachy” (which is well the reason that it reminds me of summer most likely!) This is a great place to say that the snuggle bug is also made in the USA which is something I really like as well!
I know you all would think I would pick something pink – which I was closet to doing but the other snuggle bugs with the exception of this one were more of a fleece type material and with us living in the south and marley does tend to shed and everything I just didn’t think those would be good options for us- especially the heat thing because it well stays pretty well warm here from like March-November most of the time!
This is a good part to mention that the snuggle bug is washable so if you do need to wash it for whatever reason you need to wash it- we are lucky that Marley doesn’t really get sick traveling in anyway but some pets don’t travel as well as she does and we have really been lucky in that regard!
The original picture I had of Marley in the Snuggle Bug was better, but it was on a phone I reset and gave to my mom and apparently I didn’t have the pics backed up to one drive 🙁 she fits way more better when she gets in on her own, but I placed her for picture purposes so she wasn’t amused lol.
We haven’t been on a big trip since I got my cuddle bug and Marley always takes a little bit of time to adjust on getting new things like beds and what not so I haven’t got to test it out fully just quite yet! We have done most of our testing around the house as far as just letting her see what it is and get in it and all that kind of thing – that way when we do put it in the car with her she will likely just get in it and chill 🙂 She has over the past few weeks got in it and sat for a while and she does fit, she is a bit snug, but like I mentioned before she likes to burrow and there is a good amount of wiggle room as well. I know that when I just looked at it I was like OH NO it won’t work but it has some good stretch to it on all angles. It is also very plush and cozy on the inside!
I really do like how the snuggle bug is a 3 in 1 item too- I don’t think I would take the bed that Marley has away from her to use this one- I do want to separate the two when it comes to her (even though she does need a new bed)especially since Sam had really became interested in cuddling in it around the house- and I am talking for hours on end! He is becoming sweet and precious in his old age apparently. So as not to confuse her, and not make her share I am adapting this as for the car only- and if we are on a trip she would likely sleep in it as her travel bed..if she isn’t sleeping with us!
It is also a carrier with an awesome strap as well, but with Marley being a bit on the heavier side that isn’t something I would try to use it for , just for her personally but I do think it is a great idea and the strap is really sturdy 37′ strap too! I like having the option at least even if it isn’t something I really use personally- it is a great added bonus!
The only thing I didn’t like- is that if Marley does decide to roam there really isn’t any thing to hold her in the snuggle bug. There is a little chain system you can use, but I know from before Marley was ours that she is an escape artist and would be able to get out without any problems!
I am very happy with my Mirage Pets Snuggle Bug and if you do have a dog that is a little bigger than the suggested 16lbs that likes to snuggle and burrow it might be worth picking up for your fur babe. I have to say that in this situation you would kind of just have to make a judgement call and know your fur baby on that level!