I admit I didn’t really know anything about The Pioneer Woman until last fall when I saw her dishes coming out at walmart and I fell in love with them. I had followed her on Facebook and everything but I didn’t have any of her cookbooks and hadn’t watched her on t.v or anything like that.
When I saw her dishes and cookware though I started paying more and more attention and I quickly started collecting them! I have pretty much anything she has came out with including brand new set of dishes(plates/salad plates/bowls/glasses/coffee cups) to the knives , napkins,rug,placemats and everything in between.
Oh and all of her cookbooks except one! My husband calls her the other woman in his life, and frequently says he has spent more money on her than he has spent on me ha ha. I def. have plans to buy several other items that I haven’t yet, all in good time though 🙂
I didn’t realize that this fall there would be a Fall collection coming out and there would also be a Holiday Collection as well! I like how it comes out in bursts though and you have time to collect whatever you might want from all the different areas and it hasn’t been totally overwhelming.
I was MORE than excited to get a box of goodies to review from the Pioneer Woman Holiday Collection– I know that most of the time our Holidays are not spent at home but there has been some time in the past when I would have loved to have some festive things for decorating the table and whatnot (I used to keep our table at our old apt all decorated and set all the time actually)and then when we are home for Christmas -which has happened a couple times over the years, we’d have a nice pretty set of dishes to use!
First up I got these adorable Measuring spoons- don’t fret but these I think are actually from the collection from the fall but there is a similar set that I saw that they put out for the Holiday Collection- Pioneer Woman Ceramic Measuring Spoons (and yes that is one of my PW vintage bloom placemats for the background 🙂 ) Seriously these were a huge hit when I posted them on facebook and instagram (though my pic went crazy on IG and cut off a spoon lol)
Then I received pretty well one part of a setting of the actual Holiday place setting (minus a bowl but + an extra mug) I will very likely go to walmart and buy 2 bowls, another goblet and the 2 plates to make up a mini set just for David and I to have- we wouldn’t need 4 of everything since they aren’t everyday dishes and it is just us! The goblet is my favorite because we did the same style in turquoise for our regular glasses. I also love the shape of the plates and the scallop look!
My absolute favorite though would probably be my  The Pioneer Woman Charlie Holiday Cookie Jar!  How adorable? I hadn’t got any of the cookie jars so far because our walmart hasn’t had any so when I got this one I was SO happy and Marley even came up to it and gave it a kiss! I love his scarf and I didn’t even take his plastic off- I made David put him on top the cabinets so he doesn’t get broke!
Here is a group shot of everything together- It is all so pretty , and I can’t wait to complete my set, and pick up a few more items from the Pioneer Woman Holiday Collection at Walmart!
I have also had experience with their customer service and they have been awesome to make things right for me so I really like investing in these products because they have stood behind them and made things right (I had some of the bake wear that cracked early on and they sent replacements with no questions!) So that makes me more happy to invest in the items!
I know these items technically were launched on November o1 but I saw a few items in an odd place kind of like they were hiding – when I was there Sunday and David said they were putting out tons of things last night at our walmart so I can’t wait to go look this evening 🙂