I don't do a whole lot of couponing at HT because.. It never seems to work out for me- This is a perfect example of my mom and I using the same coupons and doing identical deals and it going totally crazy- usually one of us it will work and the other it goes haywire. Also, our HT - they are not super friendly to couponers either it seems.. but every now and again we give it a go.... Of course, I haven't got to go out this week but my mom did hit up a really awesome deal on Bella Dog Food for my little miss Marley yesterday! Marley is pretty easy to buy food for - she likes everything I think under the sun except for the green pieces in regular kibbles and bits lol. Sam, he's one finicky kitteh man, and I have to get him a specific food and i've taken to getting it on Amazon actually.. Here is The Deal- It is super simple- Also she had double coupons, thanks to a neighbor - I am also going to do this deal when I get out and about whenever that is - The sale runs until … [Read more...]
My Cvs Couponing Trip Plan for this week!(I know, it’s late in the week for me) #cvs #couponing
So I'm still waiting on Fedex to show up with these packages (I wish it wasn't requiring a direct signature because if it would have just been a signature or regular, they would have taken them to the office! I mean it is o.k. but i'm so behind on everything thanks to having already planned to coupon later than usual this week, and then that migraine - it really put me behind on so many levels!) I don't figure that they will show up in time for my mom to want to go get the trip done today, because I know how she is, but we'll see. It takes a whole 5 min to get to CVS and my deal is pretty straight forward! I could probably be back home within an hour tops! All I'd have to do is throw on some clothes and take Mars out- I could be ready in like the time it would take her to get to my house This is what I have worked out- All Digital Coupons I'm basically doing the spend $20 get $5 thing, and i'm adding in a gain pod because i'm rolling a little bit more extrabucks because I am … [Read more...]
The week of the Migraine!
Hey Everyone Well, I know I was doing well with updating and this week has been crickets but I have 2 good reasons! 1. I had a migraine Tuesday and it has pretty well wiped me out. I spent yesterday with what I call a migraine hangover! 2. as far as coupons go, I haven't really looked at a whole lot for this week and I haven't even got to go couponing yet! I hate it because I generally go so early in the week, but my mom had wanted to wait till today to go - which was fine ,but I missed a delivery of a review package yesterday and I don't want to miss it again because it requires a direct signature! so we won't be going until tomorrow- unless they come early enough and I can get out early on I am trying to get up and going and get into a million things this morning. That is where I was on Tuesday morning before the migraine hit! I was actually working on that patio closet- I had started Monday afternoon- I cleaned some in my closet - in the cubbies and had that all cleaned … [Read more...]
a lazy friday
Hey Everyone I am sitting here with Marley under a blanket, watching Match Game & Drinking some Tea.... David is playing a game and of course we have to go to bed super early because he has to get up at 4 for work tomorrow BLAH! IT is good overtime, don't get me wrong but darn it 4 is so early.. and then he's so wore out from working all week and everything so we usually just end up grabbing something to eat and sleeping for the most part! I don't really nap through the week anymore, because well i'm hardly ever home it seems, and when I am it doesn't seem to work out! I'll probably end up reading some while David sleeps and drinking a little bit more tea. I have a lavender challomile one that I originally had called Hug In A Mug so I love it to help me relax. Then again I am obsessed with Lavender so I guess it would make since I drink it too ha ha. Today I didn't get a whole lot done - I had this wild idea to clean up all the make up from the last month and a half out … [Read more...]
trying to perk this blog up (if you couldn’t tell)
Hey Everyone Well.. Today I am just trying to do a little of this and that and none of it is lasting too long :) I don't have a whole lot that HAS to be done of course- I did most of that on Monday , but I do need to do a little bit of general straightening up and wash a load of color clothes at least. Oh, and unload the dishwasher. I might make a box of suddenly salad and have that ready for dinner...I just like getting that kind of thing out of the way early on if possible. I know that last night I didn't make anything and I said leftovers and David ended up eating a TV meal... then I wanted some chicken so I sent him to get some at Publix and he had some of that too... and of course I have some left.. so there should be enough random things that I don't really have to make anything too awful complicated lol. I am thinking about getting back into writing my Another World Kayla story thing, or at least going through youtube and see if anyone has uploaded any episodes that I … [Read more...]
My Dollar General Haul for This Week! #dollargeneral #dg #couponing #couponhaul
(I usually use my other letter board that I have but I didn't want to have to mess up my CVS layout on it so I just winged it. Also, don't know how I managed to cut off the gain flings there a bit but.. still i'm actually updating here so lets just go with it? Lol) Every NOW and AGAIN I do mix it up and do some dollar general deals- I mean my main store is CVS of course! I just as always wish I could get as good with FOOD couponing like at Publix or Harris Teeter ,as I do with household/beauty stuff.. I mean sometimes- every rare moon you can do amazing at these stores but it seems very rare! Anyways, I have been doing dollar general a little more than usual because they have been having some amazing deals with $5/20 gain lately. They also have a $5/25 purchase that can sometimes pair in (I have seen mixed results!) However, the $5/25 generally seems to be a Saturday thing, and I don't typically coupon on Saturday with David having to work and such. I know that the day before my … [Read more...]