Hi Everyone SO, I know I have pretty well been missing in action this entire year, and I do apologize for that. Blogging just hasn't been my cup of tea for a while. It has been super hard with COVID and my not getting out of the house very much- which we all know I am a homebody to start with, and didn't get out very much before covid- but COVID pretty well has halted my couponing, thrift shopping, etc. I pretty well only get out to go to the grocery store and maybe to my mom and dads! So, with everything so limited and everything seemingly being same ole, same ole most days- + this and that well.. blogging has kind of fell away for me! After my big holiday gift guide + my myrtle beach trip a few years ago, I honestly did have blogger burn out, and then I got really interested in reading so I kind of went with that for a good while. I tried to get back into things and mix things up with the couponing content, and then my mom and dad had their wreck 2 years ago, and things were … [Read more...]
its always something :)
hey everyone well, I have meant to write before now, but random things keep happening! I was doing SUPER amazing on cleaning out things around the house there for a good week or two and BAM I got a random fever again! I used to do that a lot as a child, and I had it happen again back in early December so that kinda took me out for about 3 good days last week (Tues-Thurs) Friday was kinda o.k but my allergies started back, and girl time too- which brought on a nasty headache (I couldn't win last week lol) I pushed through and by Monday I started feeling more like myself, but that was a lot of stuff at one time! The sad thing was my biggest plan for last week was to actually seriously come up with a summer menu, and it NEVER HAPPENED - I ended up writing down 5 random meals to just make it to the weekend and then i'll have to go from there UGH lol. Part of that cleaning binge was me in the big closet- and I actually completed the floor level- I just need to get back to … [Read more...]
Hey Everyone! I am so happy for sunny weather, you can't even imagine! I Don't even care that it hasn't really been that "warm" then again , we are in the south here, so it can stay cool for a good while for all I care, because I know those super hot 100 in the shade days will be here before you know it! All I was wanting was for it to be SUNNY and that it would still be daylight out after David got home! I just don't like the going to work in the dark thing, and coming home and it being dark thing! I mean who likes that? That is always my thing when people say they don't like this time change- I mean you like it being dark at 5 p/m do you? UGH!!! Not me! Thankfully, we made it almost a month now without my apartment place trying to come in and do stupid meaningless things, and during COVID no less! I mean I thought we were going to have to seriously find something similar to Orlando Moving Companies, because I just now am starting to bounce back from winter blues- I have my … [Read more...]
I am still here, I promise!
Hey Everyone! I know it has been FOREVER since I wrote an actual update :( I just had HORRIBLE winter blues this year- the crazy thing is that they didn't start until late January, and honestly I think it was one of the roughest bouts of the winter blues that I EVER had! We had so many dreary and rainy days, that I swear at some points I was like one dreary /rainy day away from just totally loosing it! I honestly had a couple of times I just had melt downs, but I managed to bounce back, and thankfully I am back to "normal" now- and I've been doing super good for about 2 weeks or so! I was also super glad that I still managed to drag myself out of the bed every day- that little Marley - I am telling you some times if it wasn't for her (having to take her out) I don't think I would have even been up, but I am super glad to have her even more for that reason! I also still managed to do day to day little things like dishes and clothes, cooking and making the bed. It was just anything … [Read more...]
How To Ensure Your Dog Has A Healthy Life
For most pet owners, their dog isn’t just a dog; they are part of the family. Because of this, they are going to want to take as much care of their dog as possible, helping them to live a happy, healthy, long life. This can be difficult since dogs can’t let their owners know exactly what they want and need, unlike children, but there are some things that you can put in place to ensure your dog is as happy as possible and will always – as far as possible – be healthy. Read on to find out more. Photo by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash A Healthy Diet Many of the ways that a dog can be kept healthy and give them the best chance of a long, happy life are the same things that a human might need. When it comes to a dog’s diet, the healthier it is, the healthier the animal will be too. The more varied and well-balanced it is, the more of the essential nutrients that are crucial for good health are going to be included. This is why it’s so important to think carefully about what you’re … [Read more...]
ready for that time change & warm days!
Hey Everyone Well, I haven't written in a few days - There have been quite a few I haven't even had the laptop out and haven't even been on my big mac at all- which is crazy! I started a mini cleaning binge a few weeks back when I cleaned out my bathroom (all that coupon makeup, shampoo, tampons and such) and then I hit up my clothes- the dresser, the chest and the cubby things I have in David's closet. I had already did such an over haul on those I only came up with like 3 or 4 shirts and a pair of capri's to get rid of! I have been *trying* to work in the big closet again- it is always my nemesis of course, but it has gotten WAY better over time. I even break it into sections and such now. It is just such a catch all of all my stockpile of laundry pods (I have 32 packs + 2 big tubs of gain flings if you were curious)+ all my TP and paper towels and whatever else I happen to have extra of ( sometimes its pet food, sometimes its more laundry liquid...) Anyways, I have made good … [Read more...]