You already know that I live in the South, and I am always talking about how hot it is!ย Of course you all know I am more of a fall person, but we don’t get a whole lot of fall ๐ then sometimes it goes straight from summer into winter which I hate. This is why sometimes I think I would like living up North- but that is the only reason ha ha. I really do enjoy being a southern girl and there is no way I could convert!
This year though it actually seems that here in the south we are getting a early fall- and actually a real fall- well a few days here and there anyways! I am pretty excited about it , and our leaves are even turning already – I think it is a little early for all this in general let alone where we are but.. that is the way it is going this year. I won’t deny fall though- bring on the cool and the wood smoke and the breezy days and leave turning and pumpkin spice and being able to eat the more heavy foods and soups ๐
The one thing I will say that i do like though about winter time vs summer time- is that it is easier to get WARM than it is to try to get cool. I mean you can wrap up and put on layers and everything to get warm but – there is only a point you can get to with taking clothes off to get cool ๐ Then you have to seriously not go out in public/use the fan/ crank up the a/c!
When I heard about Heat Holders I was pretty excited they wanted to work with me because they have a variety of goodies to help keep you warm!ย Now, I thought it might be a little early to get the review going since it was so early on but.. like I say we have had some cool temps early on so.. it has worked out for me. Iย was lucky enough to get 2 awesome items to review so .. I will just do my break it down thing on both items and put up a pic and tell you my thoughts/ideas and opinions ๐
I will start with the thing they are most famous for- Their socks!! I was lucky enough to get a pair of their heat holders thermal socks and I am REALLY looking forward to getting to try them out- you got to give me a little credit on this one… it is was a little hot for warm socks still. Especially very warm socks. I really only wear socks in the winter – I have this thing about my feet… I cannot stand cold feet (I also cannot stand cold ears at all) so .. these socks feel amazing from what I have experienced so far. They are SO SO SO plush! They are brushed in the inside and they hold the warm air close to the skin which helps keep you feet warm longer.
The socks I got are the long socks and I absolutely love long socks when that time comes! They are also proven to be 7x more warm, which makes me think I need to get some of these for my grandpa- he is always so cold and his feet especially so!ย The reason that the socks are so warm are because of the yarn- which is a thermal yarn, the holders loops, which is the knitting technology and the brushing as well.
The Other item I was lucky to receive Heat Holders Snuggle Up which is this awesome luxury fleece blanket that is the best thing ever! Now, why it might be a little early for really warm socks I don’t think it is ever too early for a great blanket to cover up in !ย We always have several around the couch and chair in the living room and even in the bedroom – I always like to snuggle!
Though, I REALLY love to cuddle up in the fall and winter. On a cold day. A rainy day. Or a cold and rainy day ๐ When you are watching tv, reading a book, whatever the case may be. I like to be burrowy! This blanket feels AWESOME I mean it is SO plush and my hubs said it is like the perfect starter pack item – because he is ALWAYS cold like my grandpa so.. he really likes it too! We even like to sit on the couch together and share the blanket.ย Honestly, I think that he would wear the socks later on this winter if they weren’t my size and pink… it might be the size holding him back more than the pink!
I am VERY happy with my warm goodies from Heat Holders, and I hope I get to try more in the future. I know that this will be an awesome cuddly, burrowy season, as well as several falls and winters to come thanks to these awesome goodies!